Most liked on Team9000?

On a happier note....
Did I ever say I was liked from the stand point of someones opinion?

Since when was it a bad thing for me to point out a simple fact.. Im really starting get the feeling Im being treated like an outcast since every time I create a thread it is full of people complaining about something I did...

When you're pointing out a fact such as this, it's hard for people to NOT get onto you about it. It's very egotistical and quite frankly this should be in the thread you created "Just for yourself". I think I rest my case.
Since when was it a bad thing for me to point out a simple fact.. Im really starting get the feeling Im being treated like an outcast since every time I create a thread it is full of people complaining about something I did...
Perhaps we should have created some sort of metal, or trophy?
Did I ever say I was liked from the stand point of someones opinion?

Since when was it a bad thing for me to point out a simple fact.. Im really starting get the feeling Im being treated like an outcast since every time I create a thread it is full of people complaining about something I did...
The top posting member of a forums calling himself an outcast in need of protection?
So are egotists. It's a sad world isn't it?
Fuck it. Fine, please by all means, come on come all, everybody complain how I accomplished something. Please, everybody complain and tell me how big of a failure I am because apparently there no point to this thread anymore. Fuck it.
Fuck it. Fine, please by all means, come on come all, everybody complain how I accomplished something. Please, everybody complain and tell me how big of a failure I am because apparently there no point to this thread anymore. Fuck it.

Whoa whoa whoa, it's not like you graduated from high school or won an award for an academic achievement and I called you stupid for boasting about it. It's all over the amount of "likes" you've gained. If anyone needs to calm down around here, it's you sir. The whole world is not out to get you despite what you may think.
Fuck it. Fine, please by all means, come on come all, everybody complain how I accomplished something. Please, everybody complain and tell me how big of a failure I am because apparently there no point to this thread anymore. Fuck it.
Your a failure because you got more likes than me!!
makes none :S
conga rats.jpg

enjoy being the person with the most likes :D
feel the force! use the force! BEcome the force!

on a side note--
Why I no have much likes ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
No really, what the fuck is the point of this thread anymore. Almost 90% of the people commenting hate me and are complaining about me existing. I have so much real life bullshit going on in my life right now that I thought I could make a thread about surpassing the owner of a website in like and be proud about it and maybe, just maybe get a tiny single bit fucking compliments from the people in this fucking gaming community. I guess I was wrong. I apparently cant get a "good job" or "well done" cause I don't ever get that from my family or my fucking life, and I thought I could get it here. I guess I was wrong.
Everyone needs to stop the angry and be like this:

View attachment 76005
that is one funky monkey....

Rsmv, i dont know why but you should just ignore everyone that is hating on you for a thread like this.
many and i mean many threads with way more stupidity have been created, and people decide to hate on this one.
post the charmander not giving a fuck to every one of there hating and move on :3

i mean c'mon, your the king of "Not giving fucks" :D
No really, what the fuck is the point of this thread anymore. Almost 90% of the people commenting hate me and are complaining about me existing. I have so much real life bullshit going on in my life right now that I thought I could make a thread about surpassing the owner of a website in like and be proud about it and maybe, just maybe get a tiny single bit fucking compliments from the people in this fucking gaming community. I guess I was wrong. I apparently cant get a "good job" or "well done" cause I don't ever get that from my family or my fucking life, and I thought I could get it here. I guess I was wrong.

Rsmv, it's best not to take it personally.

I think if ANYONE bragged about getting more likes than the owner, they'd get their chops busted up too. (Did I really just say "chops"?)

But anyway, there will always be conflict across the interwebz, and you can't win over everyone online (or IRL too). It's best just to rejoice in with those who do like you, and remember this sagacious saying:

Im sorry for my outburst a few posts up....I am just dealing with so much shit in real life and I thought I could get some gratz for surpassing woot in likes...All I received was insults and people's problems being converted into hate comments against me...