Most liked on Team9000?

Im sorry for my outburst a few posts up....I am just dealing with so much shit in real life and I thought I could get some gratz for surpassing woot in likes...All I received was insults and people's problems being converted into hate comments against me...

I honestly want to know what hate comments were made toward you? Was it the egotist comment? Because, I do not let any of my problems affect my posts on these forums. Why? because it's not the proper way to do things. So any and all posts that were from me to you we're made based upon my general opinion about this thread. I didn't know that I had to have a fine print disclaimer for any response I make to ensure that no one thinks that I may be acting out of rage.
I honestly want to know what hate comments were made toward you? Was it the egotist comment? Because, I do not let any of my problems affect my posts on these forums. Why? because it's not the proper way to do things. So any and all posts that were from me to you we're made based upon my general opinion about this thread. I didn't know that I had to have fine print for any response I make to ensure that no one thinks that I may be acting out of rage.
No, it wasn't you...I already ignored everyone that pissed me off..I just have a lot of shit going on and I really shouldn't have let my real life problems make me make this thread or post in this thread the way I did. :(
I read it as sarcasm but now I'm...
Let's forget the mishaps and misinterpretations on this thread and enjoy the fact that rsmv has the most likes on this community :D
Dear Regular Posters of Team9000,

Lately I've been seeing a lot of
  • random rage
  • random posts
  • poor quality posts
  • seemingly poor use of brains before post drafting process

Make sure to post the highest quality content in the best interests of the community.
Combine posts, revise posts, don't be afraid of the edit button,

Consult the following links.

Don't be Debbie Downer,
nobody fucking goddamn likes a Debbie Downer.


To be an ass.

Being that this is a gaming community, competition can arise in any form. You gained a feat that few will hold. Thread whoring or not, you posted content that was obviously enjoyable enough that over 1,000 people liked it.

Those who hate are jealous, and are holding petty grudges due your "shady" history.

Ignore the haters, because they will always hate. Also trolls. They will forever be a part of Team9000. My solution? Embrace the trolls, for they can not handle acceptance. When you accept the trolls, then and there, will you find your inner peace.
To be an ass.

Being that this is a gaming community, competition can arise in any form. You gained a feat that few will hold. Thread whoring or not, you posted content that was obviously enjoyable enough that over 1,000 people liked it.

Those who hate are jealous, and are holding petty grudges due your "shady" history.

Ignore the haters, because they will always hate. Also trolls. They will forever be a part of Team9000. My solution? Embrace the trolls, for they can not handle acceptance. When you accept the trolls, then and there, will you find your inner peace.
Thank you for saying this. :)
RSMV, you can't let other people ruin you. When life gives you lemons, you... (forgot funny Portal saying by Cave Johnson, but you get my point).

Don't get so upset when the trolls and haters attack, because you only allow them to accomplish their goal of ruining your day.

You are young yet still, so your experience in the world is still young as well, and people will be even WORSE (<-- that is emphasis right there) in real life. So don't let them get you down.

As a community we should be supportive and/or competitive, not condescending or insulting. RSMV got more likes than you, then beat his score by posting enjoyable and original content. Don't pound down on him because you don't like him.
RSMV, you can't let other people ruin you. When life gives you lemons, you... (forgot funny Portal saying by Cave Johnson, but you get my point).

Don't get so upset when the trolls and haters attack, because you only allow them to accomplish their goal of ruining your day.

You are young yet still, so your experience in the world is still young as well, and people will be even WORSE (<-- that is emphasis right there) in real life. So don't let them get you down.

As a community we should be supportive and/or competitive, not condescending or insulting. RSMV got more likes than you, then beat his score by posting enjoyable and original content. Don't pound down on him because you don't like him.
If only everyone posted link this. :\
Thank you for saying all this. I know I am young and naive, but for my age, I act more maturely then most kids my age in society. I have a lot of real life stuff I need to sort out and I probably wouldn't have outbursted a few posts back if I didn't have any issues at the moment. Also concerning crane, didn't he make a blog concerning how he hated being an ass...

Also everything you just said is exactly how I felt from a 3rd person perspective when creating this thread.

On a similar note that created this cluster fuck, I'm about to be the first person to reach 1500 likes. :P
If only everyone posted link this. :\
Thank you for saying all this. I know I am young and naive, but for my age, I act more maturely then most kids my age in society. I have a lot of real life stuff I need to sort out and I probably wouldn't have outbursted a few posts back if I didn't have any issues at the moment. Also concerning crane, didn't he make a blog concerning how he hated being an ass...

Also everything you just said is exactly how I felt from a 3rd person perspective when creating this thread.

On a similar note that created this cluster fuck, I'm about to be the first person to reach 1500 likes. :P
Heres a headstart :D