My body does not give one shit about logic

1. That happend to me. I'm one of those guys who are addicted to Reese's Cups and Red Bulls. I don't lose weight, but I lose body fat :D
2. ConroD, are you ever going to start your Gym Program? It was the Pink Polar Bears right? :D
Lol, this sort of thing truly is my passion. If you only have 10 minutes every morning, press ups and sit ups < should have mentioned that. Same reps and sets for both.

Is it more "efficient" to work out in the morning rather than mid-day or night? I usually go after school (after 3 pm) to the school's weight room. Or is it simply for convenience?

conrods face while typing everything here

Is it more "efficient" to work out in the morning rather than mid-day or night? I usually go after school (after 3 pm) to the school's weight room.

When you train doesn't directly affect growth and body composition, use any free time you have if you live a busy life style. People recommend starting when you feel the most awake and alert, as mental focus is as important as physical energy under most circumstances.
When you train doesn't directly affect growth and body composition, use any free time you have if you live a busy life style. People recommend starting when you feel the most awake and alert, as mental focus is as important as physical energy under most circumstances.

Thanks for the input, and are you studying / have you studied the human body, fitness, etc? You know quite a lot of information regarding the topic.
I picked up a random passion for every regarding fitness and diet, which lead to learning what ingredients do what, what to not eat, which forms of each macronutrient is superior etc. Hell.. it even led to learning about everything anabolic; prohormones, steroids, test boosters.. even thermogenic and lipolytic fat burners etc. What ever makes the body tick under given conditions/specific goals.
One thing I have learnt and which I am going to start putting into practice is that you can have motivation but without follow through you will not achieve anything. If you want to get fit and exercise more have a routine and don't over analyse what you are going to do.

Really good havard business review article explaining it:
One thing I have learnt and which I am going to start putting into practice is that you can have motivation but without follow through you will not achieve anything. If you want to get fit and exercise more have a routine and don't over analyse what you are going to do.

Really good havard business review article explaining it:

Agreed, people always set a date they are going to start, and lay out specific meal/workout plans, shocking their body so much they cant adapt quick enough. Even though it's the best method to trigger growth, a slow and controlled lifestyle change is almost always more likely to stick. Hence new years resolutions never speaking, and people having change of hearts when they jump down a path without having time to adapt.
Agreed, but one thing I have noticed, when I work out in the morning, I feel GREAT all day. I might be sore, but i feel mentally alert and overall just more capable. A lot of my friends have noticed the same thing, and if I had a schedule to permit it, I would work out in the mornings, but at the moment I do not.
Agreed, but one thing I have noticed, when I work out in the morning, I feel GREAT all day. I might be sore, but i feel mentally alert and overall just more capable. A lot of my friends have noticed the same thing, and if I had a schedule to permit it, I would work out in the mornings, but at the moment I do not.

Do you drink any kind of protein shake before/after working out? And/or eat?
I do, yes. At the moment I stick to syntha 6 (a mix of 6 different types of protein, its the name of a product from the company BSN) as just an extra source of protein/ meal replacement, since I'm only dealing in calisthenics. When I actually want to put on mass, thats when I change to several different types of proteins at different times of the day depending on my workout routine. However, I usually keep hydro whey to right before and after my workout (your body digests hydro whey very fast, so its good at stopping the anabolic process your body goes into when you lift weights), casein protein before I go to bed (slow acting protein so your body will feed on it longer, thus minimizing the time it feeds on itself while asleep), and natural proteins such a egg, milk, and soy during the day with my meals. truth be told, it all depends on my daily schedule and work out routine, and the specific results I'm looking for.
That's what I try to do. Except, with my schedule lately, I haven't been able to lift as much as I want to. I've been able to stay active through school sports and such (played 4 hours of wolleyball today -if you know what that is, heh). But I need to concentrate on my diet more. I keep forgetting how important it is to maintain a healthy diet. Thanks for the help.