My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

You know what I really wanna see. I wanna see them get David Tennant to do like 3 lines of voice acting for doctor whooves in a episode. THAT would top derpy talking. Maybe even have him say "Umm, excuse me has anyone around here seen my tar-.. I mean a blue phone booth?"
You know what I really wanna see. I wanna see them get David Tennant to do like 3 lines of voice acting for doctor whooves in a episode. THAT would top derpy talking. Maybe even have him say "Umm, excuse me has anyone around here seen my tar-.. I mean a blue phone booth?"
The Hub would have to go through A LOT of legal sh*t with the BBC, though. Even if they DID ask permission first.
The Hub would have to go through A LOT of legal sh*t with the BBC, though. Even if they DID ask permission first.
I wouldn't think it would be much of a problem. I mean hell they went through the trouble of getting legal rights to make a whole song based off California girls dedicated directly to bronys.

Eh, one can dream. :p