My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

I lost an aunt due to breast cancer and I lost a cousin due to a brain tumor which covered his eye, making him blind, and he told my uncle he wanted to die ;(
I remember playing hide and seek with him in my grandmothers back yard....good times
And I was already feeling depressed.
Balloon Party said:
I'll just go ahead and change my tumblr and skype profiles to Gabe Newell because we're going to be a little late. The last full quality version of a song came up and we've been trying to update it last minute. Everything else is ready and perfected. We will be here soon, hopefully within around 10-20 minutes, promise.
Also, downloads are WAY overloaded right now so you are best to open the link again and use one to prepare the download and the other to listen while it gets ready.

Mine has been stuck preparing the download for quite a while now
Could they be holding out or will
There be a 2nd wave of songs? Or will they be slowly added?

Either way my week is now complete.
Wooty might be interested to know that this is finally out. He will have more to listen to on his trip. Right now he's on "ZZYZX Road" wherever that is :p

Edit: Holy shit Wooty's in the Mojave Desert. Immediate thoughts of Fallout: NV...
Not sure, but the 3 songs I was the most anticipated for made it onto it. I am one hell of a happy pony right now.
Lavender Harmony - Arrivederci
Princess Addictia - Balefire
Aviators - Never Back Down (ThatSonOfAMitch Remix)
Is bandcamp allowing anyone to listen to the songs now? Mine won't allow me to. It played the first 3 songs just fine but once it got to Arrivederci, my most anticipated track, it stopped working. None of them play now...