NationStates Web Game

Maybe send a message to the owner of the nation and remind them of it. Let them know that it has ceased to exist and tell them there is such a thing as Vacation Mode that allows a nation to stay inactive for 60 days rather than 30. Ask them if they plan on returning and if they want us to keep their land for them, because maybe they are in a situation like Gurw. He's practically sent to a prison camp for work and can't really get online for long periods of time.

If and when they tell you they no longer want their land, then you put it "on the market"

This Just In!
Patchouli and I would appreciate it if everyone could read/follow this: - thank you all.
Nations that "cease to exist" can be revived, just incase you didn't know that.

Indeed I did know that, but what do we do with the land until then?

Maybe send a message to the owner of the nation and remind them of it. Let them know that it has ceased to exist and tell them there is such a thing as Vacation Mode that allows a nation to stay inactive for 60 days rather than 30. Ask them if they plan on returning and if they want us to keep their land for them, because maybe they are in a situation like Gurw. He's practically sent to a prison camp for work and can't really get online for long periods of time.

If and when they tell you they no longer want their land, then you put it "on the market"

An excellent suggestion.
So is anyone here against the revised democratic decision? Also would anyone be willing to host a WA place holder as well as their non-WA nation?
I feel that that would create more problems then solve, and am in favour of the way things are now. And I'm not saying that as WA Delegate, having one person in power indefinitely can protect our region from invasions, in case somebody slips the password to the wrong ear or such. I think a roleplay government could help get the opinion of people, but having a placeholder that would go under the power of different people? It's a bit much.
I feel that that would create more problems then solve, and am in favour of the way things are now. And I'm not saying that as WA Delegate, having one person in power indefinitely can protect our region from invasions, in case somebody slips the password to the wrong ear or such. I think a roleplay government could help get the opinion of people, but having a placeholder that would go under the power of different people? It's a bit much.
Not like invasions can't be fixed by me, they can't take my power. Though I do appreciate your support
My OTHER brother is now interested in play this, and once again wants in on my region.
I told him the password, and I'm pretty sure he won't be a dick.
I still don't see a clear consensus or a "right way" as to what to do with the land of nations that Nationstates claims to have "ceased to exist."

Should I give the benefit of the doubt to active forum members? What criteria establishes an active forum member?

Maybe I should I restore New Int, Nordic and Nephele, and we just avoid this whole remove inactive nations idea all together.

I need input, please.

The Kingdom of Kimbalia proposes that, in cases where civilisations or governments have collapsed, the region holds previously occupied land in trust until the people of said lands are able to re-establish home rule. In cases where the people of the lands appear to have been eradicated, migrated, or otherwise disappearred, Kimbalia proposes that the land be held in trust also, until such time as we are able to confirm that the nation has in fact ceased to exist and the causes for said collapse.

In cases where borders have been expanded to include regions previously belonging to nations now thought to have collapsed, we must now assume that they have been settled and that the survivors, if any, of the previous administration of any such land have become integrated into their new nation. Of course, should a previous nation attempt to re-establish itself then it would pose some interesting situations and may very well lead to a separatist civil war.

(i.e. from now on no-one gets to take over land until the previous landowner confirms they no longer wish to possess it. where land has already been claimed (such as by Kimbalia) and a nation comes back I say lets have a RP situation where the old nation reestablishes itself and causes a civil war (and wins back their original land of course) just to spice things up)
new nation
Name: Ducktopia
Population: 1,000,000 (ducks)
Enemy's to the nation : Butchers
Current ruler :King Cpt__Duck the first
Troubles : speed limits might be introduced
Don't you think you should ask before just throwing out the password, regardless of who it is?

Except the password is visible to all who wish to look for it via this thread. There is honestly little to no harm in him sharing it with a relative. Remember, Patchy always has the ability to kick out troublemakers and/or the password can probably be changed.
Except the password is visible to all who wish to look for it via this thread. There is honestly little to no harm in him sharing it with a relative. Remember, Patchy always has the ability to kick out troublemakers and/or the password can probably be changed.

In which case it should be changed to pineapplicious
Except the password is visible to all who wish to look for it via this thread. There is honestly little to no harm in him sharing it with a relative. Remember, Patchy always has the ability to kick out troublemakers and/or the password can probably be changed.
Yes, the password is visible to all who wish to look for it in this thread. Therefore it is available to Team9000 members, since nobody outside of our website is going to be searching for it. Regardless of who they are, if they are not a member of Team9000, why should they be allowed willy-nilly into the Team9000 Region unless given permission?
Yes, the password is visible to all who wish to look for it in this thread. Therefore it is available to Team9000 members, since nobody outside of our website is going to be searching for it. Regardless of who they are, if they are not a member of Team9000, why should they be allowed willy-nilly into the Team9000 Region unless given permission?
What she said.
Yes, the password is visible to all who wish to look for it in this thread. Therefore it is available to Team9000 members, since nobody outside of our website is going to be searching for it. Regardless of who they are, if they are not a member of Team9000, why should they be allowed willy-nilly into the Team9000 Region unless given permission?
I feel as though you're being a little too overprotective of an imaginary land in which things must be pure in order to work and near dictatorial control is given to its leader. There is little reason to fear and lash out at what has yet to happen.

Anyway, at the very most, we can use the region to recruit people into the community. At the very least, we have another member in this grand imaginary land of ours.

Anyway, in regard to the password. If someone truly wants to join our nation to either harass us or join us, then all you have to do is look up "Team9000" on Google, find the correct forum (the first one) and then hope that the password to the nation is within the first few pages. It's not difficult in any respect for someone determined to get in.

Again though, why does it even matter if the region is pure Team9000 or not? So long as trouble does not exist, it should not truly concern us who is in the region.