Need help :(

This isn't the place for that discussion
There is no place for that on this website. Anyway...

Sorry for your loss, but at least you got over it. Remember, what happens in/around high school goes DIRECTLY to Facebook; do NOT pass Go, do NOT collect $200.
I can sympathize with you about that, had a bunch of relationships end badly. None in this same way, though, but usually with the girls being, in short, bitches.

When a teenager, being a lesbian was a tad bit difficult, because of all the girls that more or less pretend they're into girls at that age, thinking its "cool" or whatever. End up being an "experiment" for them where they get you all attached to them, and then they turn around and decide, they don't actually like girls, and decide to direct a multitude of insults at you before leaving. Had that happen a few times. The one actually went as far as to always be talking about how much she wanted to get laid by a guy and the certain details =.=

Just be glad you don't have that problem... But my point is I know what it feels like to get someone you love to suddenly hate you. But with time you'll forget all about it, especially when you get with a girl that's extremely good for you (Which will happen).
This is truly a sad issue. I had this happen to me once, and it was not easy going through.

I suggest that you try to go on with life and not hold on to the situation. it helped me alot forgeting about it, and since the i have been in a relationship for 1 Year now. =)

Until she dumped me for something. but you get the idea
I can sympathize with you about that, had a bunch of relationships end badly. None in this same way, though, but usually with the girls being, in short, bitches.

When a teenager, being a lesbian was a tad bit difficult, because of all the girls that more or less pretend they're into girls at that age, thinking its "cool" or whatever. End up being an "experiment" for them where they get you all attached to them, and then they turn around and decide, they don't actually like girls, and decide to direct a multitude of insults at you before leaving. Had that happen a few times. The one actually went as far as to always be talking about how much she wanted to get laid by a guy and the certain details =.=

Just be glad you don't have that problem... But my point is I know what it feels like to get someone you love to suddenly hate you. But with time you'll forget all about it, especially when you get with a girl that's extremely good for you (Which will happen).

I am so thankful there is very little 'cool' about being a bisexual or gay male in highschool. I never really had the whole 'experimenting' thing, at least not with guys. Girlfriends who expected me to make out with other guys just because it would be 'hot' is another story...those relationships usually ended with me breaking up with them on the pretense that the guy was a better kisser (rarely the truth, tbh).

However, I've had a few significant others, of both sexes, who decided that my sexual preference was a reason to shun me forever, and of course to spread it all over the school. I don't remember most of my girlfriends or boyfriends, and the few that I got attached to eventually came around and we're (for the most part) good friends now. With only three exceptions, the rest have dropped completely out of my life.

Eventually, I met a young woman who I became good friends with; and four years later we began dating. Our 2-year (dating) anniversary is this May. It's not a perfect relationship, but I couldn't ask for anything better (well, not entirely true; her cooking is horrendous).

As a young adult, you don't want to hear this, but it WILL work itself out eventually.
I realize that high school and college relationships are much more better and promising,

NightstormKitty, Patchouli and Clayto present good advice. I will share my two cents. Levels of maturity vary greatly and are not always directly proportional to age, this is a fallacy. When dealing with misunderstandings with friends or significant others it is best to be direct and just get to the bottom of the issue. However this does not always play out so smoothly, but you must do your best and be honest with yourself and the party or parties involved.

I am sorry about what happened, I know regardless of age human being are capable of having strong feelings for another. I also understand sometimes parents and young people have a hard time understanding each other. Give it time and talk to her later if you are still interested, if thing have not improved I'm afraid you shouldn't invest any more time into it.

As for high school and college, they really don't guarantee you meeting someone really groovy. All I can tell you is keep an open mind and your expectations clear. Someone you think is really amazing might turn out to be really crazy or mean. Also at the age you are in, people change, a lot, or they don't. So it is rather complicated. There wont be a perfect girl, but as Patch said you might find someone who is extremely good for you. This means various things, and I will leave it to you to discover what that means.

And when things don't work out, Clayto is right, don't spent to much time brooding over it, because you will quickly burn yourself out, mentally and emotionally. Listen to some chill music, punch a door, take a bike ride, scream at the window, whatever takes your mind off of things. I met a girl in my freshman year of high school and we started "dating" by the end of the year. We were together till the end of senior year. With that much time you are given a front row seat as you watch a person change and reveal their secret personality to you. At the end she started going out with some other dude without telling me that we had broken up. In any case it didn't end well, and I spent well over half a year getting over it, and it was not a pleasant experience. I find I have changed because of it, more experienced, but less lighthearted than I once previously was.

Anyway this was probably a bit much for a 13 year old's experience, I hope maybe it helps other people.
The romance intrigue that goes on in my class (I'm 13 as well, mind you) is practically to the point of boiling over.
So you lied about your age? :eek:

Yes, Yes I did. People seem to be more accepting of someone their own age, then someone younger. Alas, I can assure you many people have lied about their age.

I can sympathize with you about that, had a bunch of relationships end badly. None in this same way, though, but usually with the girls being, in short, bitches.

When a teenager, being a lesbian was a tad bit difficult, because of all the girls that more or less pretend they're into girls at that age, thinking its "cool" or whatever. End up being an "experiment" for them where they get you all attached to them, and then they turn around and decide, they don't actually like girls, and decide to direct a multitude of insults at you before leaving. Had that happen a few times. The one actually went as far as to always be talking about how much she wanted to get laid by a guy and the certain details =.=

Just be glad you don't have that problem... But my point is I know what it feels like to get someone you love to suddenly hate you. But with time you'll forget all about it, especially when you get with a girl that's extremely good for you (Which will happen).

I understand :( Sucks to be BI in school. I once had a GF that did that to me too. She ended up dating another guy also without telling me, then proceeded to insult me by saying it's so gross to be bi, and that I'm heartless.

I am so thankful there is very little 'cool' about being a bisexual or gay male in highschool. I never really had the whole 'experimenting' thing, at least not with guys. Girlfriends who expected me to make out with other guys just because it would be 'hot' is another story...those relationships usually ended with me breaking up with them on the pretense that the guy was a better kisser (rarely the truth, tbh).

However, I've had a few significant others, of both sexes, who decided that my sexual preference was a reason to shun me forever, and of course to spread it all over the school. I don't remember most of my girlfriends or boyfriends, and the few that I got attached to eventually came around and we're (for the most part) good friends now. With only three exceptions, the rest have dropped completely out of my life.

Eventually, I met a young woman who I became good friends with; and four years later we began dating. Our 2-year (dating) anniversary is this May. It's not a perfect relationship, but I couldn't ask for anything better (well, not entirely true; her cooking is horrendous).

As a young adult, you don't want to hear this, but it WILL work itself out eventually.

Trust me, me and my mom have had hour long conversations about personal issues like this. She knows that relationships like this don't last, because she only knows 1 person from highschool... The rest are from college and work.

This is truly a sad issue. I had this happen to me once, and it was not easy going through.

I suggest that you try to go on with life and not hold on to the situation. it helped me alot forgeting about it, and since the i have been in a relationship for 1 Year now. =)

Until she dumped me for something. but you get the idea

Thank's for the advice :) And sorry to hear about that :(

NightstormKitty, Patchouli and Clayto present good advice. I will share my two cents. Levels of maturity vary greatly and are not always directly proportional to age, this is a fallacy. When dealing with misunderstandings with friends or significant others it is best to be direct and just get to the bottom of the issue. However this does not always play out so smoothly, but you must do your best and be honest with yourself and the party or parties involved.

I am sorry about what happened, I know regardless of age human being are capable of having strong feelings for another. I also understand sometimes parents and young people have a hard time understanding each other. Give it time and talk to her later if you are still interested, if thing have not improved I'm afraid you shouldn't invest any more time into it.

As for high school and college, they really don't guarantee you meeting someone really groovy. All I can tell you is keep an open mind and your expectations clear. Someone you think is really amazing might turn out to be really crazy or mean. Also at the age you are in, people change, a lot, or they don't. So it is rather complicated. There wont be a perfect girl, but as Patch said you might find someone who is extremely good for you. This means various things, and I will leave it to you to discover what that means.

And when things don't work out, Clayto is right, don't spent to much time brooding over it, because you will quickly burn yourself out, mentally and emotionally. Listen to some chill music, punch a door, take a bike ride, scream at the window, whatever takes your mind off of things. I met a girl in my freshman year of high school and we started "dating" by the end of the year. We were together till the end of senior year. With that much time you are given a front row seat as you watch a person change and reveal their secret personality to you. At the end she started going out with some other dude without telling me that we had broken up. In any case it didn't end well, and I spent well over half a year getting over it, and it was not a pleasant experience. I find I have changed because of it, more experienced, but less lighthearted than I once previously was.

Anyway this was probably a bit much for a 13 year old's experience, I hope maybe it helps other people.

This is nothing. I've had far worse than this. But with high school and college, you sometimes keep in touch with them longer then public school people, and the people in highschool you hang out with tend to join the same work field as you.
My GF just dumped me, yet we still love each other.
Why you may ask?

Because some pansy ass bitch decided to give an anonymous tip to her dad, saying that I was cheating on her, which I never ever would. So thanks to whoever it was, I now am single, because her dad couldn't "Trust" me.

This is what I said to him/her on facebook. Hopefully they saw it.

Who ever told *her name* dad that I was cheating on her, fuck you. Seriously, go die in a fucking hole. Because of you, she doesn't want to see me, doesn't approve of me, and her dad now hates me. You deserve to live a living hell for the rest of your life. Why would you even do this? If you still had feelings for her, you could at least say it to my face, and not be a fucking pansy ass bitch by lying to her dad.
Calm down your making your self look bad. And because he did that dosent mean he should burn in hell or die on a hole.