OUYA going to give Microsoft and Sony a run for their money

I just found this survey you can take and vote for what games you'd like to see on the Ouya. This poll doesn't necessarily mean these games will release for the system, but it may help.
Looking at the specs for the console...it sounds a bit like a mid to high-end tablet. Much like an Asus Transformer tablet, to be specific. I'm not sure how powerful that may really be, but since the console it totally modable (in theory), it could/should be easy to upgrade it some and get a more powerful/faster performing machine. Also, I'm not sure how large or great the selection will be for games when they are first launched, especially if the whole premise is going to be free-to-play. There are some great free-to-plays out there, but the vast majority are annoying trying to get you to pay for the full version of the game. I have cautious optimism about this.
As I understood it, games are not required to be free-to-play, but just need to have a free demo available.

I fear this console's specs will be it's weakest spot, really limiting what it can do and how large the selection of games will be.
As I understood it, games are not required to be free-to-play, but just need to have a free demo available.

I fear this console's specs will be it's weakest spot, really limiting what it can do and how large the selection of games will be.
Hardware modification without breaking your warranty....
I don't really understand, it's a cube, with the android OS, which you connect to a TV and play with a wireless controller? Exept it's cheap, and you can upgrade it so it can run hardcore games?
Sounds cool, but there's one issue: How do you pronounce it? They could call it Strawberry, a cross between Apple and Blackberry (don't ask).
Also it will be interesting to see what their copyright strategy will be.
Hardware modification without breaking your warranty....
But then the games will either never use the better hardware or have to exclude the no-hardware-mods community, radically decreasing the available audience for their game. It also breaks the whole "optimised for a certain hardware configuration" bonus which consoles give.
But then the games will either never use the better hardware or have to exclude the no-hardware-mods community, radically decreasing the available audience for their game. It also breaks the whole "optimised for a certain hardware configuration" bonus which consoles give.
The specs aren't horrible to begin with. It's not PS3-level, but it's not bad.
It's a $100 console. What were you expecting?

It's not for the hardcore. However, Tegra 3 can play some pretty sweet games.

However, it could be a great starting ground for indie developers. Think a console, dedicated to XBLA.
It's a $100 console. What were you expecting?

It's not for the hardcore. However, Tegra 3 can play some pretty sweet games.

However, it could be a great starting ground for indie developers. Think a console, dedicated to XBLA.
Also an excellent emulator. Pokemon on the big screen :D
First off, gotta love the random circuit board in the video. "LET'S POINT AT THIS CIRCUIT BOARD MAYBE MAGIC WILL HAPPEN"
But to be honest this console reeks of casual. The specifications are fishy. I don't know much about this Tegra processor but it doesn't look better than what is available on the market. 1 Gb of ram? Ok that's weird. I can't find what kind of video card this console will use, I've been looking for a while now. Apparently its unannounced or something. That's weird. The problem with this is that there is really no room for innovation when it comes to bigger, shinier. Can games be fun without big and shiny? Sure, but don't expect any big developers to go for this console, especially since I'm reading that it runs on Java? Whaaaat? A lot of game engines are C or Python and will be incompatible. Java is for little online or mobile games. Unrelated to that if I need to spend money to upgrade the hardware so I can run bigger shinier games, I will just spend it upgrading my PC.

The video says they put most of their focus on the controller. Why? A mouse will always have more speed and accuracy than a thumb stick controller. A "well fit" controller might be perfect for some players but for others it may be completely uncomfortable. We don't all have the same hands. They should be focusing on the hardware and software since it is apparently so "hack-able".

Everyone is massaging the point that it is "hack-able". First off, can we stop abusing the word "hack" or "hacker". I know it sounds cool, but just because it's modifiable doesn't mean you are hacking it. And of course modifiable is great, except it opens doors for piracy. It also opens doors for cheating, exploitation and glitching, this sucks if you are trying to have a competitive fair online experience.

And the promised price. How can you promise a price for a mass produced console that requires complicated supply chains and deals with suppliers and manufacturers? Unless they have talked about this and I missed it?

I dunno, I want this to work so someone can prove that you can change established trends when it comes to gaming, but I don't see large developers moving to this console, and it's not like smaller developers will makes games exclusively for OUYA (will they?) so most of the stuff that comes to OUYA will be on PC.