Planetside 2 Discussion

You get certs from a lot of things. Make sure you help cap points, especially the big places such as bio domes and tech plants as you get a lot of certs for everyone of those. Also, you can earn medals for your weapons(by getting kills with it), and each one gives you a certain amount of certs.

Also, you have to be online to be invited, we can't send outfit invites to people offline. It sucks, but that is just the way the developers made it, so catch someone in game or hold off until tomorrow when there will be a bunch of us online.
Anyone know if the Weekend bonus stacks with the purchaseable bonus boxes? I'm currently burning thru a 50% one <3
I'm downloading Planetside 2 through steam now.

And, seeing how people say it is hard to get into this game, it makes me scared. o_o
I wish they designed the factions with a little more flair. It's hard to poke fun at generic looking soldiers with average to mediocre soundtracks to back them up.

Also, I'm TR on the AU server. I just like guns that don't go pew pew.

Oh well... the game has gotten really hard lately since people have actually learnt what to do.
Not to zombie an older thread, but for those who've thought about coming back to the game, thru this weekend, you can purchase Heroic Boosts (50% experience gain) in 3 or 6 month, that's right MONTH, varieties for 3k and 5k SC accordingly. :thumbsup:

You don't have to activate them immediately , but they are only for sale thru Sunday - rumor has it that they'll be offering a double XP weekend next week for the 4th of July Holiday - imagine all that XP goodness.

Would love to see more people in the game, lord knows we could use the population health with Vanu - we're typically outnumbered 2:1 by NC and on average 8-12% by TR.
Somewhat thread revival, but I have a (vastly) unplayed TR on the AU server (Briggs), I think that should be our official TR land, if anyone ever wants a break from VS. If you're on Waterson and are not VS, however...I will find you, and I will kill you. (No, for serious, literally everyone from Team9000 is VS on Waterson, play that with us, don't be TR for the love of God)
Didn't know this thread existed, gonna move some post here then..

I will find you, and I will kill you. (No, for serious, literally everyone from Team9000 is VS on Waterson, play that with us, don't be TR for the love of God)
Better listen to her, Nobody likes a Terran scum
I wish I could get back into this but my computer is having overheating issues where it shuts down if I play any taxing games.
Anyway I still promote this game to anyone uncertain towards playing it.
Welp, fun night tonight. Started taking a Amp Station in Amerish and the moment we took it not a moment later the Alert came on and was Amerish control the most territory. Managed to hold off an Amp Station for a whole hour of constant wave after wave of attacks from Terran. That was some incredible fighting, at least 60+ each side going out on each other, with the Terran constantly attacking on all sides and even taking the middle shields down and even took A half way, we managed to fight them out and held it all. After 2 long hours we managed to hold and win the Alert. Lots of fun tonight, worth the headache getting that alert.
Couldn't agree more, tonight was really fun. I was glad it was as even as it was, I was getting sick of the majority being with one population. This was an amazing battle with an even spread among the populations. This is what Planetside 2 is suppose to be about. Hopefully we will see more of this in the future.