Planetside 2 Discussion

So I assume that the people who have not replied are not interested? Trying to get a head count here, but its a little difficult because almost no one is saying anything.
I cant fly the liberator or galaxy for crap, but I'm pretty good with the scythe. It's easier to learn in my opinion
scythe in a way is also harder as it's really agile. Galaxy and Liberator are easier to learn basic flight with due to their low speeds and sluggishness.
Not officially on the roster yet, but I have been burning points into the hovertank (amount of shells, armor, and speed) and rather enjoy it. Would happily follow someone's command for an armor division, fixing things in my spare time (Engi - just need 500 to max out my nano gun).
Not officially on the roster yet, but I have been burning points into the hovertank (amount of shells, armor, and speed) and rather enjoy it. Would happily follow someone's command for an armor division, fixing things in my spare time (Engi - just need 500 to max out my nano gun).
nano gun is sweet... i spend my points mainly on my scythe, but i did get 1 or 2 nano gun upgrades.. well worth it :D
So I assume that the people who have not replied are not interested? Trying to get a head count here, but its a little difficult because almost no one is saying anything.

I'm willing to lead an infantry division, but note I still suck at this game, and I've had experience in a leadership position as of yet.

If otherwise, I'm happy to be led in an infantry division. Also, I'm willing to get better with a Scythe (as many others here) and that would be another location to spend my certs when my Combat Medic is done. Aerial or infantry, I'm willing to work.
When I get back home I'll get into the game.

So I can be of best use to you hot chips,

What type of starship troopers do you be needing'?

Like, should I go Medic? Advice or something would be good. I'll just go what's most useful to the outfit because I'm unlikely to have more than one character or whatever and I just want to be chappish.

Also if at all possible I want to burn shit.
I don't think you can burn stuff, but you can definitely blow stuff up. The way I play is as light and heavy assault, as they go really well hand in hand. I would suggest you get in and just play around with some characters until you decide on what you like the most.
I don't think you can burn stuff, but you can definitely blow stuff up. The way I play is as light and heavy assault, as they go really well hand in hand. I would suggest you get in and just play around with some characters until you decide on what you like the most.
That is not useful.
Tell me what to go.
I honestly don't care about what I like,
Buck up and tell me what you need and I'll go that
Need pills?
I can be yo' Medic injecting morphine in Jerzey's fat ass all day
That can be my job
That will likely be what the team needs anyway.
Medic and engineer are always good to have. Every class can point a gun and shoot, but only medics and engineers can fix shit.
Just started playing today, not fun imho :(
Mainly because of all the permanent stuff that you can't change.
What do you mean by "permanent stuff"?
The team/alliance and the servers, I can't change them.
Why can't they just be like normal games; open the game, click on the server you want to play on, and choose a team.
It's like you have to dedicate your life and be the best on the alliance you choose. You never know which faction you want to choose.
The team/alliance and the servers, I can't change them.
Why can't they just be like normal games; open the game, click on the server you want to play on, and choose a team.
It's like you have to dedicate your life and be the best on the alliance you choose. You never know which faction you want to choose.

This is an MMO, and most MMO's are exactly like this. You can create multiple characters across multiple servers, or even multiple characters on the same server. Joining a faction like this increases the competitiveness between factions more than even I expected. Its a difficult game to get into, and unless you have patience, you won;t be able to get into this game. However, if you can take a deep breath and push forward, the game becomes more fun the more you play it.
This is an MMO, and most MMO's are exactly like this. You can create multiple characters across multiple servers, or even multiple characters on the same server. Joining a faction like this increases the competitiveness between factions more than even I expected. Its a difficult game to get into, and unless you have patience, you won;t be able to get into this game. However, if you can take a deep breath and push forward, the game becomes more fun the more you play it.
Thanks for enlightening me. I don't usually play MMOs, and I haven't played one in ages. I guess that's how MMOs are like.
The team/alliance and the servers, I can't change them.
Why can't they just be like normal games; open the game, click on the server you want to play on, and choose a team.
It's like you have to dedicate your life and be the best on the alliance you choose. You never know which faction you want to choose.
Also, this game has a very large map that you're constantly trying to conquer. To be constantly changing factions in this game, would be like always swapping teams back and forth during a match of any other FPS. Basically fighting against yourself all the time.
So I just set up my windows partition on my mac and got Planetside 2 up and running. I joined Vanu on Jaeger. My name is "Stratadawn", careful with the ending. My usual name was taken so I had to improvise.

I am currently running into some trouble with the game. Whenever I die, the game crashes when I press the redeploy button. I don't know if that is an error other people have run into, but it is extremely annoying. If anyone can help me figure out how to fix this, that would be awesome. I will try re-downloading from steam today to see if that fixes it.

I would love to play with you guys. You will have to teach me the basics over mumble, but it is fairly straight forward. Let me know what division needs the most help, and which class within that division. I will put in the time to get good at whatever is needed the most.
Double XP weekend starts now. Also the division leaders are as follows:

Aerial Division: Patchouli
Armour Division: Kagato
Infantry Division: Zennai

Threads for each division will be created once we get the banners for each division made, so please be patient. There will also be a Commander Division too, for the people interested in spending certs in the leader tree. Keep an eye out, hopefully here in a few weeks we will have everything up and running. If anyone has any questions, let me know.
Double XP weekend starts now. Also the division leaders are as follows:

Aerial Division: Patchouli
Armour Division: Kagato
Infantry Division: Zennai

Threads for each division will be created once we get the banners for each division made, so please be patient. There will also be a Commander Division too, for the people interested in spending certs in the leader tree. Keep an eye out, hopefully here in a few weeks we will have everything up and running. If anyone has any questions, let me know.

Please add me to the outfit. My username is Stratadawn. I am decently good in all 3 divisions. I am learning to fly pretty well. I can't yet fight while flying, but I have the basics down pat. I can fly a galaxy well because I don't have to focus on shooting.

Anyways, let me know where I should put my certs, and also tell me how I can get more faster. I only have abour 130 so far and have been playing for 2 days.