Planetside 2 Discussion

You are added. Also, does no one else have an opinion on this?
I think it's more that no one is around at the time. They need to make invites work while they're offline, like friend requests. It's silly.

Also, how come I can no longer promote people? D: Makes my rank rather useless if there's no difference.
What???? You should be able to, I didn't change anything. I wil take a look at it when I get home tonight.
Anyone enlisted and higher can add people. Also patch, the issue has been fixed, so you should be able to promote again.

Also, still looking for some thoughts on the divisions, and possibly people interested in leading a division. Keep in mind division leaders are administrative, not in game, and handle division admissions and keeping everyone posted and what not. The commander division will be for the people interested in leading squads in game. I just need to know who is interested. If we do this, we will worry about putting people in divisions once we get them started.
Anyone enlisted and higher can add people. Also patch, the issue has been fixed, so you should be able to promote again.

Also, still looking for some thoughts on the divisions, and possibly people interested in leading a division. Keep in mind division leaders are administrative, not in game, and handle division admissions and keeping everyone posted and what not. The commander division will be for the people interested in leading squads in game. I just need to know who is interested. If we do this, we will worry about putting people in divisions once we get them started.

If there is a bullet-sponge-laggy-crappy-computer division, I'll volunteer.
I'll volunteer to organize the armor division. Want to make sure there aren't 10 sunderers all fighting for deployment positions.
Alright, so three divisions, right? Aerial, infantry, and armor divisions. We need names for them, and leaders. I Have some people in mind to lead them, but I want to see who is interested. Each leader of a division would simply be in charge of making the division thread, approving applicants, and generally keeping up with the members. So if we can get some ideas floating around, that would be great. I don't care if we have two people in each division right now, but most people I have played with look for at least a little bit of structure like this, so I want to implement this so that we can get more people in here. If you are interested in being a division leader, please PM me. All other ideas and thoughts should be put here. We can make this a big part of Team9000, we just need participation.