Planetside 2 Discussion

You have to be online to be added to the outfit, which is stupid. Once you get into the outfit, you can add others, so just catch someone in game and they can add you. You can't add people at the guest rank, which is the default rank, but Patch or myself can bump you up to member rank, so let one of us know, although I check it every time I get on. Let me know if you guys have any questions.
Just posted on there, looks like someone is already interested in joining up. Perhaps this will be the serious push away from Minecraft a lof of us were secretly hoping for?

...Probably not...
Just posted on there, looks like someone is already interested in joining up. Perhaps this will be the serious push away from Minecraft a lof of us were secretly hoping for?

...Probably not...

lol, probably not, but I doubt we will find that one game that expands this community on as large a scale as MC classic did.....but if we continue the gamenights and continue random promotions across other areas, we will continue to bring in new members from all over....just not as many.
Is there a map where I can see without being logged into the game?
I don't think so. But here,



Well, I don't work tomorrow and I don't anticipate my copy of Halo4 coming in the mail until tomorrow, so I'll hop on tonight and play for a while.
Who here would be interested in a little more organized gameplay? Ideally I would like 2 squads of 6-8 people each (one squad focused on offense, and the other defense), but I don't think we have enough people that would be interested in that currently. As it stands, I would like to see how many of you are interested in joining a squad. It would be structured, and we would try to get together to practice like once a week or however often we can manage it around everyone's schedule. If you are interested, let me know here and what class you are interested in playing as. Remember, this would be structured, everyone would play as a certain class, and we would all practice basic tactics and teamwork skills. If enough people show interest (which I doubt it will go this far) we will start tryouts, but as it stands, we will see who is interested and fill slots from there. If you ask to join as a class that is already taken, then I will let you know and we will try to work something out, as I am not going to build a squad of 6 engineers, that would be stupid.
Who here would be interested in a little more organized gameplay? Ideally I would like 2 squads of 6-8 people each (one squad focused on offense, and the other defense), but I don't think we have enough people that would be interested in that currently. As it stands, I would like to see how many of you are interested in joining a squad. It would be structured, and we would try to get together to practice like once a week or however often we can manage it around everyone's schedule. If you are interested, let me know here and what class you are interested in playing as. Remember, this would be structured, everyone would play as a certain class, and we would all practice basic tactics and teamwork skills. If enough people show interest (which I doubt it will go this far) we will start tryouts, but as it stands, we will see who is interested and fill slots from there. If you ask to join as a class that is already taken, then I will let you know and we will try to work something out, as I am not going to build a squad of 6 engineers, that would be stupid.
count me in
heavy assault
Who here would be interested in a little more organized gameplay? Ideally I would like 2 squads of 6-8 people each (one squad focused on offense, and the other defense), but I don't think we have enough people that would be interested in that currently. As it stands, I would like to see how many of you are interested in joining a squad. It would be structured, and we would try to get together to practice like once a week or however often we can manage it around everyone's schedule. If you are interested, let me know here and what class you are interested in playing as. Remember, this would be structured, everyone would play as a certain class, and we would all practice basic tactics and teamwork skills. If enough people show interest (which I doubt it will go this far) we will start tryouts, but as it stands, we will see who is interested and fill slots from there. If you ask to join as a class that is already taken, then I will let you know and we will try to work something out, as I am not going to build a squad of 6 engineers, that would be stupid.

I would love to participate, but I feel my schedule would make it not very possible. I do not want to tie myself down to just one game for the very little time I have to dedicate towards gaming (says the guy who will be getting Halo 4 tomorrow).
I'm willing to help wtih this.

Note, though, I have minimal experience playing the game so far, I'm too tired to learn a new game during the school week.

I'll be playing this throughout the weekend, however. As for the class, I'll learn anything. All the classes look fun except for infiltrator.
I am in the same boat with Moondoggy.....on a related note... I am level 4 now and I feel extremely proud of that...until I hit level 5 anyways.
Who here would be interested in a little more organized gameplay? Ideally I would like 2 squads of 6-8 people each (one squad focused on offense, and the other defense), but I don't think we have enough people that would be interested in that currently. As it stands, I would like to see how many of you are interested in joining a squad. It would be structured, and we would try to get together to practice like once a week or however often we can manage it around everyone's schedule. If you are interested, let me know here and what class you are interested in playing as. Remember, this would be structured, everyone would play as a certain class, and we would all practice basic tactics and teamwork skills. If enough people show interest (which I doubt it will go this far) we will start tryouts, but as it stands, we will see who is interested and fill slots from there. If you ask to join as a class that is already taken, then I will let you know and we will try to work something out, as I am not going to build a squad of 6 engineers, that would be stupid.

I would like to play as an Engineer, if this were to occur.
We have enough now, and I am sure we will get a few more. I will look into getting a schedule together that I can run by all of you and see if we can't manage this.
Ok, so who (that is interested in building a squad) is available Saturday, and what times?

Post them in Central time, so that there is no confusion.