Planetside 2 Discussion

Is this Central American time, or GMT? Cause I got dibs on driving the sunderer.

lol, we won't one person whose soul job is to drive the sunderer. We will get everyone together and figure it out then, as I still need to come up with what and how we will "train" and how to break the squad/platoon up in the most effective way. Of course, I can't really do that either until I know how many people will show up.
Don't forget to stop by the outfit recruitment thread and bump it. Those threads fly through the forums. Less than 12 hours in, and the thread is 6 pages deep. Also, you have been added Sean.
Ok, so who (that is interested in building a squad) is available Saturday, and what times?

Post them in Central time, so that there is no confusion.

I should be available most times Saturday, honestly just send me a tell on Steam and I'll get on.
So thats what, 5 solids for this saturday, and 4 possiblies? I will have a time posted later today.
Double post for the win!

11am central time, Saturday. If that doesn't work, let me knowe I can always push it forward. For those that can't make it saturday, let me know as I want to make two squads, of 5 each if I can, so I can schedule another time for the other squad and we can fit everyone in for that.
Double post for the win!

11am central time, Saturday. If that doesn't work, let me knowe I can always push it forward. For those that can't make it saturday, let me know as I want to make two squads, of 5 each if I can, so I can schedule another time for the other squad and we can fit everyone in for that.
see you there, i got 7 alarms set.
i can make it most of the day :)
also it would be sweet to have an aerial squad and a ground squad.. might have to practice my flying first though :)
i've flown at least 7 times.. crashed 6/7.. got shot down the other time lol.. But before my last crash i had fun flying the big ship in circles and landing at the VS spawn thing

I just need practice....with enough time, I can learn to be a menace in the skies.......but I will probably kill myself a whole lot.
I just need practice....with enough time, I can learn to be a menace in the skies.......but I will probably kill myself a whole lot.
You need to fly around in the Liberator.

For no other reason than to get people to see your name, in a Liberator, and be like "lolwut?"
Well, since we have such few interested players, I want to focus on an offense and defense squad, with everyone having a main class and specialization, while also having additional specializations. Because there isn't enough people interested, we dont have the man power to create an aerial squad too, however 2 or 3 people can train up on it as an additional spec and those will be the people we pull when we need flying done. Since we aren't big yet the key is versatility. there is a lot more to it, but I'll explain when we meet tomorrow.
Well, since we have such few interested players, I want to focus on an offense and defense squad, with everyone having a main class and specialization, while also having additional specializations. Because there isn't enough people interested, we font have the man power to creates' aerial squad too, however 2 or 3 people can train up on it as an additional spec and those will be the people we pull when we need flying done. Since we aren't big yet the key is versatility. there is a lot more to it, but I'll explain when we meet tomorrow.

I am doing fairly well with heavy assault, though I can learn any character.....but I warn... I am a terribad medic.
Also, don't forget to bump that recruitment thread. We have around 40 people in our outfit now and I'm hoping to keep increasing that as the serious outfits literally have thousands of people in them. While I dont expect to get nearly that big, I would like enough people to get several squads active so everyone has a chance to do the things they want.
VS on Indar are pretty retarded.

Always end up being the only one defending a valuable region, and it's not even a terribly large force attacking.