Planetside 2 Discussion

Well, I'm really liking this game now. Indeed, we should get more dedicated players to form squads. That would make things a lot more organized, and thus it would help the problem in the aforementioned post.

Methinks I'll favor playing Combat Medic. I'm up to join a squad so I can practice.
we need to get a big ass platoon and actually all work together.. like you know, when we tried defending and at least a dozen terran ships were hovering above us, and all those tanks and foot troops vs only us? yea.. that would be awesome. would be cool if VS did what patchy did too
Thats the plan gentleman (and lady). I will come up with a squad design, and post it here in the next day or two. We will hold an ACTUAL training meet next Saturday, as the Squad will be decided by Wednesday. No more uncertainties. I will post the squad meet time when I post the squad design.
Not that I want to draw people from the VS or anything, but I was thinking we could maybe have servers where we have TR and NC characters, though I'm not sure which servers this would be.

Basically Jaeger would be our main server, the other two would just be to play those factions if we felt like.

No big outfit or anything there, just people from here, really.

EDIT: Especially since anything we get weapon/gear/cert-wise is specific to server, so Jaeger would be the main one either way, I just more or less want to see how the other factions play like, nothing serious, and would like to have any characters we have in other factions to be on the same server so we could play with them if we wanted ot.
Not that I want to draw people from the VS or anything, but I was thinking we could maybe have servers where we have TR and NC characters, though I'm not sure which servers this would be.

Basically Jaeger would be our main server, the other two would just be to play those factions if we felt like.

No big outfit or anything there, just people from here, really.

EDIT: Especially since anything we get weapon/gear/cert-wise is specific to server, so Jaeger would be the main one either way, I just more or less want to see how the other factions play like, nothing serious, and would like to have any characters we have in other factions to be on the same server so we could play with them if we wanted ot.
Nice try, Terran Republic.
I play on the waterson server as VS often, do if you make one there you could kill me lots. That, and the outfit I'm in could team up with us for practice sessions since we will be enemies and be able to kill each other in game. If you do that, I leave it in your hands patch :)
I play on the waterson server as VS often, do if you make one there you could kill me lots. That, and the outfit I'm in could team up with us for practice sessions since we will be enemies and be able to kill each other in game. If you do that, I leave it in your hands patch :)
That's not quite what I meant :P

But I suppose if you don't want to join in on the different faction-ness, that would be alright. Which side do you typically end up fighting?
My firt real time today playing was a mixture of dying, dying, and more dying... no killed, got killed many times
My firt real time today playing was a mixture of dying, dying, and more dying... no killed, got killed many times

That tends to happen on this game.

Unless you're in an organized platoon and/or pilot only vehicles, you'll be grenaded, spawncamped, and bombarded to no end.
Usually the TR, also, what were you thinking of?
Wasn't thinking of something quite so structured, though maybe you didn't mean we had to be quite as serious as your outfit :P

Could make that our TR server then, that is, unless more people want to join you on there, then...I think another server might be better. Just don't want everyone all split up, really.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I definitely didn't mean it to sound structured, just that we could get together and try stuff out we wouldn't normally have a chance to try, like people who want to practice flying could get together and pull some dog fights out in the middle of nowhere so that they can get practice. Stuff like that basically. If you go out there, its all you. You'll be starting the outfit, so you'll be the one who makes the decisions.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I definitely didn't mean it to sound structured, just that we could get together and try stuff out we wouldn't normally have a chance to try, like people who want to practice flying could get together and pull some dog fights out in the middle of nowhere so that they can get practice. Stuff like that basically. If you go out there, its all you. You'll be starting the outfit, so you'll be the one who makes the decisions.
Would be nice if you could have multiple characters on a server :P But alas.

I'll do that then, if that's what you want.
What I mean is, you wouldn't be able to do anything on the TR side, so, I'd do that if you don't mind that.

Oh, right. Nope, I have no problem with that, everything TR would be yours, if that's what you mean. I would have no say in all that.
Oh, right. Nope, I have no problem with that, everything TR would be yours, if that's what you mean. I would have no say in all that.
Oh, weird, I can actually send you a friend request while on a different faction. I'm KyraWinters over there (Patchouli AND Patchouii were taken).

And Team9000 already exists over there (didn't know your outfit was that, not sure what to name it in that case then)

EDIT: Outfit is "Terra9000" (TR9k)
Oh, weird, I can actually send you a friend request while on a different faction. I'm KyraWinters over there (Patchouli AND Patchouii were taken).

And Team9000 already exists over there (didn't know your outfit was that, not sure what to name it in that case then)

EDIT: Outfit is "Terra9000" (TR9k)

someone was faster, made an account pretending to be the goddess Patch and made the outfit before you! damn ninjas