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Possible Star Wars Zone?

How about the opening sequence in part 3, the Battle over Coruscant? I mean you already know how to build the Venator Class Destroyer so all you gotta do is mix it in with some Trade Federation Cruisers (if you can learn them lol) and show them shooting them lazors at each other :p.


Lol maybe that's too big, howbout two ships shooting at each other
One work to call what that would be.... Epic! :D
pasaria said:
It's Danish actually.

It's austrian of course. Only we can be so epic to do something like this.
Did you know that Notch was 1/4 austrian?
Me neither. :D
We also have some LEgo factory here in Quebec, Canada. duuno where it's at, but my dad once worked for them as a forklift operator
One work to call what that would be.... Epic! :D
It's too complicated to make...Anyways, that's only what appeared in the movie. There were thousands more ships out there shooting each other out of the sky above Coruscant. So it would be even more epic.
It's too complicated to make...Anyways, that's only what appeared in the movie. There were thousands more ships out there shooting each other out of the sky above Coruscant. So it would be even more epic.
I know, how about just two ships with a few smaller starfighters?
I know, how about just two ships with a few smaller starfighters?
Was I quoting you in the reply? :sneaky:
Anyways. Possibly, we could try to build another Venator cruiser, maybe in a duel with my soon-to-be-built Munificent. Starfighters are hard to make in Minecraft, if only we could use slabs...
Was I quoting you in the reply? :sneaky:
Anyways. Possibly, we could try to build another Venator cruiser, maybe in a duel with my soon-to-be-built Munificent. Starfighters are hard to make in Minecraft, if only we could use slabs...
He was quoting me in his reply.
It's too complicated to make...Anyways, that's only what appeared in the movie. There were thousands more ships out there shooting each other out of the sky above Coruscant. So it would be even more epic.
i know it would be impossible to make i was just saying it was a good idea