Run for your lives!!! 5k

Ho. Ly. Shit. This is within a reasonable drive from where I live. I might just have to start training for this. Plus, it's 2 days before my birthday! :D
What a great way to almost spend your bday... survive the almost Zombie Apocalypse!
Georgia is a bit too far for me, but looks like they have one in Summer 2013 15 minutes down the road from me. :cool:
EDIT: This was poorly worded so I am rewriting it.

I will do what I can to attend, and it shouldn't be an issue. For those looking to train, if you want a good plan to start with, then every other day go to a 1/4 mile track. When you get there, run a lap . Once you finish the lap, do 35 pushups, then run another. When you come back around, do 30 pushups. After those pushups, run another lap. Keep alternating between a lap and pushups, decreasing the pushups by 5 every time. Do this until you hit 0 pushups. If you can do that, then you will be on an excellent course. If you can't do the pushups, then just max them out after every lap until you can do them. I will be coming back from a deployment and going straight into this, so I am looking to demolish it (In other words, the less effort I have to apply for myself to make it through, the more I can apply to help others). If anyone is interested in a good workout plan to ready yourselves, let me know.

Also, keep in mind that this exercise is to increase your strength and your running, not to help improve your speed or sprints; in other words, keep a good pace and don't focus on speed, focus on going without stopping.

I will register this weekend, lets try to get as many people there as we can, as I think this is an awesome Team9000 meet up event. Even if you don't run, you can participate to be a zombie, help out on the track, or just go to spectate and attend the concert.
I'm considering this, but that would be too different from my training for the 2014 Ironman challenge, so I may not.
This looks amazing! If i was somewhat fit and in america i would do this. Good luck to you and Godlib. Be careful of the Walkers. They are crafty creatures of the undead.
P.S. The music in the vid is amazing and found me a new band to listen to. So thankyou :)
For our Wedding Anniversary next week we will be registering, as far as lodging goes, If i'm not mistaken they have campgrounds and we have a tent, so we could camp out the night before. Following this event we will be headed into Tennessee for a little mini vacation, which others are welcome to join us. We're debating on a cabin or staying at one of Godlib's fathers timeshares. We will be discussing these options tonight and tomorrow and I will update you more as we solidify plans.


Turns out that the campgrounds only open up that Saturday and we will most likely be arriving Thursday or Friday to the area. So we will work out another means of lodging. Also if you are registering early, we should probably pick a designated wave time so that way we can run together, also if we are making a group, we need a name.
I don't know why, but everytime I see a movie or play a video game or just anything in general. That has something to do with a zombie outbreak, the song, "Run To The Hills" starts playing in my head.

That's pretty awesome that there is an event like that in existence. About every year, my city allows for a "Zombie Walkathon" type event to take place downtown. Basically, it's where everyone dresses up and acts like zombies and just walks around downtown like it was a zombie invasion. It would be cool to go to something like that one of these days.
So what wave do you guys want to do? I need a time between 8 am and 4:30pm. The waves are every half hour. I really don't care, so its up to you.
0930 sounds great. We would be able to finish early and spend the day at the Apocalypse party.

Yes, because if we are staying at a Resort in TN, we will have to drive at least another 2 hours so it works out not having to leave around midnight because we took a late wave and wanted to stay for the party.
Well, do to a bump in funding, I will be registering here in a couple weeks. I am interested in what you are going to TN for. Also, where to? My family lives about an hour or so from Nashville, about 30 seconds from a lake. We could meet up with bored and have a grand ol time :)

Of course, depending on your reasons for hitting up TN and where at you'll be.