Run for your lives!!! 5k

1. hope the zombies aren't real(yes I said something stupid).

anyways I wish anyone in that upcoming run good luck especially anyone here who's having the idea to entering.
Brought my ghastly 26 min mile down to 18 flat, still highly unacceptable, BUT, it was an unbroken pace and I am happy with my progress. Thought I would share.

None... In... ONTARIO!?!?!?!

Just read through all of this because casey revived it, and I really like the idea :D
If any of you are going to do this, you should buy a cheap camera and tape it to your head or something.
By this time I will have my GoPro Hero 3 Black edition, so you can expect something a little better than that :)

Actually, I should have that in about a week.
Just read through all of this because casey revived it, and I really like the idea :D
If any of you are going to do this, you should buy a cheap camera and tape it to your head or something.
So much water and mud on that course... better be a damn good camera