
Also these may open some eyes....maybe...

outlandish plays runescape.jpg
For this month, that new tower specifically for nostalgia is coming out. You will be able to fight all boss monsters from quests and whatnot again. I am very excited for this, been waiting for years.

Oh, and I'm 123 now. Get your pics right.

Oh, and shouldn't this be in the "Other Games" section? Or just under the runescape thread that died a while ago? Just what I thought about on seeing this.
For this month, that new tower specifically for nostalgia is coming out. You will be able to fight all boss monsters from quests and whatnot again. I am very excited for this, been waiting for years.

Oh, and I'm 123 now. Get your pics right.
I cant wait for that >.<!
I am remaking it from the reference pic they released in minecraft. :P
Brah. I was lvl 113 and I sold my account for 200 dollars for some desperate people. That account took 3 months...I miss it alot
For this month, that new tower specifically for nostalgia is coming out. You will be able to fight all boss monsters from quests and whatnot again. I am very excited for this, been waiting for years.

Oh, and I'm 123 now. Get your pics right.

Oh, and shouldn't this be in the "Other Games" section? Or just under the runescape thread that died a while ago? Just what I thought about on seeing this.
So excited!

I cant wait for that >.<!
I am remaking it from the reference pic they released in minecraft. :P
LET'S BUILD THINGS TOGETHER :D (If you don't get it, I want to build rs things in minecraft with you.)

I loved runescape, played it when I was very little at first, logging in once a month, to kill a cow :p
I'll see if I have pictures left over.
Oh man, Runescape. I had some good times, some bad times, and somethings in between.

I was a very low level when I quit (Around level 80) because I was simply tired of "training" (or as I call it, GRINDING) for hours on end for one level, which may or may not have an award.

I think I spent hundreds of thousands of GP on summoning and I was only a level 35 (ONE SHORT OF MY GOAL LEVEL, seriously, I didn't ask for much, I just wanted to summon a fucking minotaur, and instead I ended my membership one level short).

I remember getting on with my friend and we would get massacred in the wilderness together.

Good times....... good times.......... but also horrible times of grinding, and getting "permanently banned" (THEY FUCKING LIED TO ME)

Actually I think I should tell that story.

Back in 3rd grade I did not know right from wrong in Runescape. I didn't understand the concept of "scamming". One day one of the douchebags in my class scammed me, since I did not really understand the trick, and thought I was getting an account. I was ripped off of 10K, which to me at the time, was a lot of money, considering I was a level 40 with that perfect balance of hours of grinding, but at the same time, not that many. Anyways, I ended up going to school the next day just for him to laugh at me and he told me he spent the money. Him and the "cool crowd" just continued to laugh at me, and told me to get lost. Later that day at home, I decided to try his little "trick" in the Al-Kharid (what the hell is that desert's name again?) bank (yeah it wasn't exactly the Varrock bank, but at the same time it was pretty populated for a non-member world). I just stood there yelling "GREAT DEAL, SELLING ACCOUNT FOR 15K" or something along those lines. One poor bastard walked up and fell for my trick, which I at the time thought was a trick, since I didn't know what a scam was (I WAS IN 3RD GRADE). He proceeded to ask for my password, and I responded with casting "Teleport to Varrock." I actually wound up running into him, and he again, asked for my password. I switched worlds and never saw him again. I continued to use the "trick" I learned for almost 3 weeks, ripping off a few unlucky people. At the end of the 3 weeks I tried to log in one day and it said "You are permanently banned!".

I was devastated, since I had spent so much time on that account, and I had basically lost it because of a bully in school. Now I have never been violent, and I never will fight, and I didn't do a thing to that asshole. But I DID however, appeal the ban. Remember, I have the vocabulary and grammar skills of a 3rd grader. After a week of waiting, I gave up and actually cried (STILL A 3RD GRADE NERD). I decided that it would just be best to start over. I began playing on my new account, sp 3322 (named after all the fun I had on my Gameboy Advance SP). About 70 levels later, and a membership purchase, I found out my first account had been unbanned.

The End
Oh man, Runescape. I had some good times, some bad times, and somethings in between.

I was a very low level when I quit (Around level 80) because I was simply tired of "training" (or as I call it, GRINDING) for hours on end for one level, which may or may not have an award.

I think I spent hundreds of thousands of GP on summoning and I was only a level 35 (ONE SHORT OF MY GOAL LEVEL, seriously, I didn't ask for much, I just wanted to summon a fucking minotaur, and instead I ended my membership one level short).

I remember getting on with my friend and we would get massacred in the wilderness together.

Good times....... good times.......... but also horrible times of grinding, and getting "permanently banned" (THEY FUCKING LIED TO ME)

Actually I think I should tell that story.

Back in 3rd grade I did not know right from wrong in Runescape. I didn't understand the concept of "scamming". One day one of the douchebags in my class scammed me, since I did not really understand the trick, and thought I was getting an account. I was ripped off of 10K, which to me at the time, was a lot of money, considering I was a level 40 with that perfect balance of hours of grinding, but at the same time, not that many. Anyways, I ended up going to school the next day just for him to laugh at me and he told me he spent the money. Him and the "cool crowd" just continued to laugh at me, and told me to get lost. Later that day at home, I decided to try his little "trick" in the Al-Kharid (what the hell is that desert's name again?) bank (yeah it wasn't exactly the Varrock bank, but at the same time it was pretty populated for a non-member world). I just stood there yelling "GREAT DEAL, SELLING ACCOUNT FOR 15K" or something along those lines. One poor bastard walked up and fell for my trick, which I at the time thought was a trick, since I didn't know what a scam was (I WAS IN 3RD GRADE). He proceeded to ask for my password, and I responded with casting "Teleport to Varrock." I actually wound up running into him, and he again, asked for my password. I switched worlds and never saw him again. I continued to use the "trick" I learned for almost 3 weeks, ripping off a few unlucky people. At the end of the 3 weeks I tried to log in one day and it said "You are permanently banned!".

I was devastated, since I had spent so much time on that account, and I had basically lost it because of a bully in school. Now I have never been violent, and I never will fight, and I didn't do a thing to that asshole. But I DID however, appeal the ban. Remember, I have the vocabulary and grammar skills of a 3rd grader. After a week of waiting, I gave up and actually cried (STILL A 3RD GRADE NERD). I decided that it would just be best to start over. I began playing on my new account, sp 3322 (named after all the fun I had on my Gameboy Advance SP). About 70 levels later, and a membership purchase, I found out my first account had been unbanned.

The End
I facehoofed so many times when reading this my face my hurts...