Sopa being discussed right now

and then the internet got fucked by film markers wanting people to buy more movies....Ah, what a way to end the world...
I see a meme in the soon future of the guy mentioning porn. Better yet, I see a auto tune of the guy mentioning porn.
So an entire industry is about to be destroyed, and these fucking idiots are concerned that their bill would protect PORNOGRAPHY?
The chat is like 4chan just got dumped into the 1 single chat box.
No, that's physically impossible. That would bend time, then create an alternate universe and a Schrödinger's box will be made. So it's more like someone put you in a chat box with an unlimited amount of pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words you know :p
You know what's funny? That it is really only illegal to sell pirated items. It's nearly impossible to convict those who give it out for free (and live in Sweeden [aka ThePirateBay])