Sopa being discussed right now

Looks like it's been postposted til January 17, 2012. Let's see if it can be pushed back to December 21, 2012.
The world ends when SOPA is passed.

Good thing I'm just sleeping in that day.

And waking up on January 1st, 2013.

Looks like it's been postposted til January 17, 2012. Let's see if it can be pushed back to December 21, 2012.
Not true anymore.

Quote from the article:

"Update.... Or not. Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further."
If you want a good laugh then check out ThePirateBays responses to their legal threats.

Check out the one with the White Stripes. It's pretty good.

FYI: I do not support piracy. I don't think it's a good thing.
Piratebay said:
It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ....... morons, and
that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.

Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on

Go fuck yourself.

Polite as usual,
I say we sue universal on a full claim that we copyrighted the Universe so they owe all balances to the rightful owner of it for Copyright infringement with the name of their company. *meanwhile at publishing offices* COPYRIGHTCOPYRIGHT. You have this too? WELL GUESS WHAT? SUESUESUESUESUESUESUE.
Back on topic, SOPA isn't just about pirating. It's about EVERYTHING on the internet that does not have a legal copyright that says you can view this or from the creator of the content. This would effect everything on the internet that us (as Americans) view, from checking your news at MSN to watching cat videos on YouTube. Even reading content on the T9K website would be restricted in some form. Yes, piracy isn't a good thing, yes people "lose" money, or so they say. Consider how much money movie actors make from their movies, take a look at this link here - - and then reconsider how piracy is "hurting" the actors. If that didn't convince you, then take a look at this - Oh, well it's not only movies you say? Okay, well take a look at the next link here - - and consider the years that these concerts were held, piracy's been around since the 90's but those numbers certainly don't look like it's hurting anyone... And just for shits and giggles, here's a 2011 album selling list DATED 5 JULY 2011, only half a year old, take a look - .

Okay, so enough about the bigwigs getting millions of dollars a year.. Let's look at someone who could be considered your mom, or even your neighbor. Jamie Thomas. Jamie's family shared 24 "copyrighted songs" between the family, BETWEEN THE FAMILY. Not some random guy or some stranger, between her family. That's the same thing as buying a CD at the store, taking the music off of the disc, putting it on a music player and giving it to your brother, sister, mother, father to listen to while you keep the CD for yourself. Isn't that the same exact thing? No one complains about that, just if you download it from the internet it's a completely different story. In the end, Jamie lost the battle against RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Jamie must pay $80,000 PER SONG making the grand total to $1.9 MILLION. Now that's seriously a what the fuck moment.

Watch the first video on this website - - and think about it, what this guy says is true. Spread it around if you want, I want this video to get known.