
My fiance, our cat, and enough dog treats to tame the wolves that will likely try to eat us for being homeless.
i'd take my guitar, my fridge (filled with beer of course) and a comfy chair <3
assuming my family members can take care of themselves
Realistically, probably my drive bays and my Z64. Insurance can cover the rest.
I'd take my whole computer, my cat and lots of food. Assuming family members are out. They wouldn't let me take all the food for myself otherwise.

and since my car keys, wallet and phone are already on my person, i'd go camp in my car. which has new sexy rims so i'll be a hobo with swag :D
Laptop, my cat, and... I don't know what else.
*Looks to the left*

Laptop, because it is the most valuable thing I own, and can be sold for food. Cat, becuase I wuvs my widdle fat meowz <3. Cactus, because it is right next to me.

EDIT: Cloudsdale Radio just Rick Roll'd me. What is going on? :confused:
My bike. Cause it's a nice bike.
My hard drive. It has everything ever on it. Including all movies and Tv shows that I "legally purchased" and all my game and computer backups.
My laptop. Asus G73-JW (Screw you Bracabrad :D)
Asus G74.

3 pairs of underwear. 1 to wear, 1 as a back pack and 1 as a hat. Could be a mixture of boxers and briefs doesn't matter.
Can I please like this more than once?
Okay, so since I forgot about why I would bring the things I mentioned and had somewhat of a wording issue before I edited my post, I'll go ahead and start over.

1. My dog - he's my dog
2. External Hard Drive - backup of everything I need to get the new computer (after the fire) back to the way my old one (destroyed in the fire) was
3. My iPod - valuable and almost as good as a computer, but light and small enough to carry

This is assuming my family members are okay. If needed, things would be removed from the list, starting at three and working up.