Supremacy 1914

I swear, Sherman didn't have this much trouble invading Italy! What gives? It's because I'm not American, isn't it?
Maybe this is me being old, but how in the hell is anyone supposed to figure out that's what that acronym means? Aren't acronyms supposed to be abbreviations of lengthy, commonly used phrases/terminology amongst groups of people? Are you thanking them THAT MUCH you needed to abbreviate it?
This is you being old. It is a parody of the commonly used hashtag #TYBG or Thank You Based God.
Also could we add some sort of 3 strike rule against people who join and then leave. CSI has done it twice now and it really ruins the game
I was about to say that because of that. If someone's not even going to -try- to play, why even join and make it so someone else couldn't?