Supremacy 1914

I have joined the new t9k map
If you wouldn't mind...could you perhaps not have your flag be a weird stretched out version of your avatar?

I mean, I'm not going to dictate what people do with their flags, but the stretched/squishedness...

Flags are 64 x 40 in game, for reference.
If you wouldn't mind...could you perhaps not have your flag be a weird stretched out version of your avatar?

I mean, I'm not going to dictate what people do with their flags, but the stretched/squishedness...

Flags are 64 x 40 in game, for reference.
Fixed it.
First off that message was a few days older than the recent article.
Also as you can see my peacekeeping was a front for backstabbing Waffles.
Well...given you're capable of backstabbing allies like that, I'm going to say I'm...not comfortable with allying with you again >.>
I've wanted to avoid this game as soon as I saw risk. But recently I've enjoyed these games more than normal. So I might as well give it a try.
So, I'll start playing this and give it a whorl.
You're playing the wrong game, just so you know. That's an old test thing that I did before the original game. I mean, you can play that if you want, one else is going to be.
Due to some things I've heard, I'm going to have to ask people to please not hold grudges between games. Now, of course, with games you're probably going to end up fighting the same people every game, but don't purposely try to antagonize someone or gang up on someone because of something they did to you in a previous game.

If you can't maintain a good attitude towards people without a bias against someone, I will remove you from the alliance, and you will not be able to participate in any alliance games I create.
Due to some things I've heard, I'm going to have to ask people to please not hold grudges between games. Now, of course, with games you're probably going to end up fighting the same people every game, but don't purposely try to antagonize someone or gang up on someone because of something they did to you in a previous game.

If you can't maintain a good attitude towards people without a bias against someone, I will remove you from the alliance, and you will not be able to participate in any alliance games I create.

What if that grudge is due to societal pretexts being pushed on someone by their environment?
...You wouldn't happen to be Jewish, would you?
I've always loved risk, and this seems kinda a lot like it in a way. I applied for the alliance and although I have no idea how to play, I hopefully will catch on quickly. Do I need to wait for you guys to start a new game?