Supremacy 1914

I've always loved risk, and this seems kinda a lot like it in a way. I applied for the alliance and although I have no idea how to play, I hopefully will catch on quickly. Do I need to wait for you guys to start a new game?

You should still be able to join the most recent game we've started, which is a Europe map.
I can now host South America maps. I plan to start one...soonish. I'm going to sleep first, then I'll make the game.
Then there goes my alliance with you...

Maybe in the future you shouldn't be so trustworthy of your allies, nor should you make entangling alliances. Stick to maybe a couple of people and leave it at that. Someday, you're going to probably have to turn against them to win, so the fewer you have to fight, the better.
Maybe in the future you shouldn't be so trustworthy of your allies, nor should you make entangling alliances. Stick to maybe a couple of people and leave it at that. Someday, you're going to probably have to turn against them to win, so the fewer you have to fight, the better.
Well clearly you and Patch are very trusting