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Survival Moderator Team


Well-Known Member
So, I know this has been brought up continuously, but I figure I would make a small suggestion and if enough people get behind it, then maybe I will post this under mantis so as to bring it to Woot's attention. As it stands, it is quite annoying being in Survival and not having a moderator around. It also stands that the admin we have are the admin we are going to get. So I propose this. Since we are trying to stay away from ranks in general, I propose a staff team that is of one rank. This staff team would cover the time when Woot and Ozy are not on. The big thing is that they are moderators, not admin. These people would have access to only simple powers like kicking, muting, teleporting/bringing (for stuck players), and any other temporary power that has no long term affects. This would enable the community to deal with trolls and annoying douchebags that aren't worth the time for Ozy or woot to get on, but still degrade the overall gamin experience.

This is an idea, and only an idea. If anyone has anything to add, feel free to do so. However, keep in mind that the ideas should be kept to temporary measures and that the staff team should not have any kind of rank. Everyone on the team should have the same powers and be held to the same standards. These are people Woot and Ozy feel should be allowed to help out, and prior experience/community standing should have no regard over whether or not Woot and Ozy feel the person can handle the job.

Remember, we want to keep it as fair as possible, and as streamlined as possible. This is not classic, we don't have 60-100 people on at once. All I know is that every time I get on, someone is around being a douche. Of the 8 friends I have pulled onto the server, none of them want to touch it. Everyone I have talked to has bad experiences and only those committed to Team9000 seem to want to stay. I for one love the server, and I try to help people out, but even that is difficult when your name is just another white name in the chat. Hopefully we can get some good ideas.
tbh everyone who is a pro+ on classic should be given this authority and there is no real reason why they shouldn't have any power on survival if they are trusted enough for the kind of power they get on classic.
Having moderators would improve the experience, and perhaps get our popularity up.

Kick/Ban and Teleport. No need for mute. If someone is being a douche then kick as a warning and then ban on 2nd offense. Ban for people who spam and grief right away. Teleport for people who are stuck in a hole in the wilderness or something.

Survival is held to a much higher standard, and the rules should be that much more strict.
Having moderators would improve the experience, and perhaps get our popularity up.

Kick/Ban and Teleport. No need for mute. If someone is being a douche then kick as a warning and then ban on 2nd offense. Ban for people who spam and grief right away. Teleport for people who are stuck in a hole in the wilderness or something.

Survival is held to a much higher standard, and the rules should be that much more strict.

Banning is too permanent, and while it is a power given out somewhat lightly in classic, survival is a game most people bought, so I don't think Woot feels particularly comfortable giving that power out, especially with mcbans out there that could potentially affect users across multiple servers.
Banning is too permanent, and while it is a power given out somewhat lightly in classic, survival is a game most people bought, so I don't think Woot feels particularly comfortable giving that power out, especially with mcbans out there that could potentially affect users across multiple servers.
mcbans isn't enabled on survival, and anyway, they broke the Survival Server's rules that they had agreed to by logging in.
CommandBook, which as far as I'm aware is one of the installed plugins, has a temporary ban feature that basically acts as a more permanent kick. I agree fully with Jerzey's addition of ban powers, so long as all staff gain access to a hidden subforum where they are required to post details of every ban given, temporary or permanent. I would, however, prefer to see mute left in the suggestion. Just makes it easier to let the player decide if they want to continue being an ass or correct their ways.

Moderators should have slightly different name colors. Perhaps dark gray?
Banning is too permanent, and while it is a power given out somewhat lightly in classic, survival is a game most people bought, so I don't think Woot feels particularly comfortable giving that power out, especially with mcbans out there that could potentially affect users across multiple servers.

If someone is worthy of a ban, which would be a power NOT lightly given out on survival, then they deserve it.

As I said, much stricter rules.

IMO reasons for ban:

Attacking players verbally

I'm sure there are others, but those are my top 3. Spamming is not something I would ban for right away, as we have a spam system in place, but I would kick for spamming. Multiple kicks for spamming should result in a ban.

As for people paying for the game and getting banned, that is their problem. Don't go to servers and cause trouble. It's called Minecraft not Trollcraft. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I don't feel sorry for someone who comes on and spams our server. I don't feel sorry for people who come on and delete someone's build.

What I would ban for:

Someone who comes on and spams "fuck this server" 9000 times even after being kicked.
Somoene who joins a town just to grief it.

I'm thinking no more than 2 additional people would have this power. I think Kagato, because he is an active player and I don't see anyone stopping that much.
mcbans isn't enabled on survival, and anyway, they broke the Survival Server's rules that they had agreed to by logging in.
Ah but many people don't even look at the rules when they log in, and they are just surfing servers. Sometimes they break rules without even knowing.
Just because you don't know ether murder is illegal doesn't mean you get away with it. Ignorance of the law is no excuse
Thats quite true, but they could repent after a warning of what they were doing, so warning before bans/kicks would be best.
tbh everyone who is a pro+ on classic should be given this authority and there is no real reason why they shouldn't have any power on survival if they are trusted enough for the kind of power they get on classic.

That would exclude the players who don't go on Classic...
No, not really. There's nothing saying that those who don't go on classic wouldn't be a moderator.

The way he typed it, it looked like he meant only those with the ability to ban on Classic should be allowed to be a moderator...if I'm wrong, then I apologize. :/
The way he typed it, it looked like he meant only those with the ability to ban on Classic should be allowed to be a moderator...if I'm wrong, then I apologize. :/
There's nothing to apologize about. :eek: We all misread things. :p
Nova, what he meant by that was people who are already trusted to be Admins on Classic would be the best candidates for Moderators on Survival.

And I agree that more Moderation would benefit the server. Also, if a Moderator bans someone, they are always able to appeal the ban, correct?