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Survival Moderator Team

Thanks for anyone who cleared up any misrepresentations of my initial post. Going on from that it would really break down the segregated feel of the two communities (classic/survival) and would give more structure and uniformity to the entire minecraft side of Team 9000. It would also give new players a heading to look to. I.e if a moderation rank existed with a good amount of people who were able to hop on when need be, new users would know exactly who to direct their questions to and ask for help. You also have to take into account /how/ many players find the survival server. A lot of the time this will be players who have seen our amazing classic server who want to know if we have a survival server too. Familiarity of moderators is important on classic as it should be on survival. There should be a /feeling/ of security. Like there is someone watching over the server at all times.

Just my own two cents worth;
Going on from that it would really break down the segregated feel of the two communities (classic/survival) and would give more structure and uniformity to the entire minecraft side of Team 9000. It would also give new players a heading to look to. I.e if a moderation rank existed with a good amount of people who were able to hop on when need be, new users would know exactly who to direct their questions to and ask for help. You also have to take into account /how/ many players find the survival server. A lot of the time this will be players who have seen our amazing classic server who want to know if we have a survival server too. Familiarity of moderators is important on classic as it should be on survival. There should be a /feeling/ of security. Like there is someone watching over the server at all times.
Firstly, sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead, but I've only just found it.
Lately the admins have definitely been quicker with dealing with ban requests, as far as I can tell they're all dealt with within a matter of hours. I do still feel, however, that the server would benefit from having a few moderators to deal with things more immediately.
While I agree that moderators from Classic could clearly be trusted as moderators in survival, I think it would be nice to have some regulars to be given the moderator rank too, rather than just moving people across from classic. Also, myself and a lot of other regulars on survival have not really played much on classic, and so are not familiar with most of the moderators and admins. There is also the fact that it may be difficult to find time to moderate both the classic and survival servers, as it would be ideal to have at least one moderator online most of the time.
As far as the responsibilities are concerned, I think it would be best to keep them to a minimum - as people have mentioned, just stuff like kick, mute, etc. would be fine. This would also mean the moderators actually have time to play the game.
Would be nice to see what more people who are on survival a lot think about this.
I'll continue to advocate for a (VERY) limited number of people to become moderators until I see it happen. Ideally, these players would be members who have been relatively active on the server (not necessarily in the community in general) for a long period of time, preferably over a year. They should also be respected among the regulars and relatively new members of the survival server; and not respected as good town mayors (ie. DutchCheese) or fun to hang around (ie. Beese), but as people who genuinely go out of their way to deal with trolls, report spammers quickly, help new players figure out the server, and in general keep the server a welcoming and happy place. They'd also have to have been shown previously to not jump to conclusions. My main reason for the last one is not just common sense, but from a specific kind of incident where a new player logs in and states they're doing a server review for PMC. As we've seen before, the chat becomes flooded with insults and trolling; which is not the appropriate response. Occasionally, these players are actually doing a review, and this only gives the server a bad name, regardless of your personally opinions on PMC. A good candidate for Moderator would wait to find out if the person is just going to ask for perms/OP/creative, or is actually legitimately checking out the server.

I can think of a few people who fit this bill, but I won't name them here, 'tis not the place.

These members would be given the power to mute, kick, and ban; and granted a different colored name in order to have their voice stand out to new players.

I disagree with allowing them to teleport players, this has too great a potential to be abused, and isn't necessary. I'm a large proponent of the "Your own fault, /suicide" school of thinking, so I might be swayed by that, but regardless, I don't believe it's necessary. The player can wait for the admins to get on if it's that necessary.
Planet Minecraft does NOT do any kind of server reviewing whatsoever. They have a post on their forum that states that very clearly.
Any PMC "reviewers" come on, I'd humor them and troll them back subtly, tbh.

*sees avatars of last two posters*


But back on topic, I think the reason that moderation (beyond the current admins) has yet to be implemented in Survival is because the first "class" of moderators will inevitably set the tone for future Survival moderators - a potential point that can go awry.

I think the system worked in Classic because the first "class" of moderators were people that Woot knew very well, both in-game and personally, so any serious issues of abuse could be nipped in the bud. And these mods went on to train other mods, resulting in a fairly stable moderating system with a firm but not-too strict code of conduct.

But now most of Woot's close-knit group isn't really involved in Survival that much, and those that are heavily involved in Survival don't have such a close, working relationship with Woot beyond the game and T9K. It's hard to know who is really trustworthy and capable of not only moderation but of setting an example for future moderators without getting personal.

While all the ideas of what powers and what responsibilities a Survival moderator would have seem quite tame to the current powers of the Classic mods, perhaps another reason we don't have Survival mods is because the role the Survival mod would play (as we've suggested) does not necessitate moderator status. Vet players can still help out new players get acquainted with the server without being a moderator. Resurrecting the /ignore function would nullify spammers and trolls. No mods necessary.

Classic and survival are different animals anyway. Classic has hosted up to 200 players at a time without any block protection system. It'd be crazy not to have identifiable mods there. Survival probably goes up to 50 most, and it has WorldGuard which nullifies griefing. So without /tp, without having to worry about dealing with grief, without the high player volumes that make identification of knowledgeable players difficult, and with /ignore, what would a Survival mod do that a veteran player can't?

Why risk a potential point of abuse?

I say we just lobby for our /ignore back, and all will be well.
Planet Minecraft does NOT do any kind of server reviewing whatsoever. They have a post on their forum that states that very clearly.
They don't have any OFFICIAL server reviewers. There are a host of players who legitimately server-hop to review them for other players to enjoy. For a long time, I was one of them.

Also this. hublah.PNG
-_- They don't have any OFFICIAL server reviewers. There are a host of players who legitimately server-hop to review them for other players to enjoy.

You have to remember that legitimate server reviewers will NOT be asking for any sort of server privileges whatsoever when they first come on-- those that do are looking to cause, or are asking for, trouble.

It's pretty easy for us to tell who is an who isn't, as well. We have access to the World Wide Web, so we can easily tell if they're telling the truth or not by doing research, if it comes to that.


On the topic of this discussion, having a small team of moderators is a good idea, provided that they have fairly good experience with moderating and using moderation-related commands. Having the Classic Pros or Epics as the moderation team would probably be a good bet, since those are individuals that the administration team highly trusts.
You have to remember that legitimate server reviewers will NOT be asking for any sort of server privileges whatsoever when they first come on-- those that do are looking to cause, or are asking for, trouble.

It's pretty easy for us to tell who is an who isn't, as well. We have access to the World Wide Web, so we can easily tell if they're telling the truth or not by doing research, if it comes to that.


On the topic of this discussion, having a small team of moderators is a good idea, provided that they have fairly good experience with moderating and using moderation-related commands. Having the Classic Pros or Epics as the moderation team would probably be a good bet, since those are individuals that the administration team highly trusts.
You're preaching to the pope, sister.