T9K battles extra-terrestrial invasion blog series.

Hey, I just thought of an idea :) Maybe for each blog, you can write a story about how a squad is placed in a certain area of the world, China for example. You can also add more dialogue :3
Hey, I just thought of an idea :) Maybe for each blog, you can write a story about how a squad is placed in a certain area of the world, China for example. You can also add more dialogue :3

I am planning to add dialogue between the characters, keep in mind this is fiction, and I will more than likely divert from the characteristics of the person behind the name in real life.
I am planning to add dialogue between the characters, keep in mind this is fiction, and I will more than likely divert from the characteristics of the person behind the name in real life.
Well, hey. Feel free to ask me for how I'd respond to a given situation, if you're stuck. Seeing as how it appears people want me shoved into a high-risk environment, I'm likely to end up on your squad.
Great start, really wordy though. Maybe you could reduce it to 1 mission per blog, because when you get to the later parts with 13 enemies appearing its going to be really really hard to account for all of them lol. Also this is one of the best games I've played though the ending wasn't quite what I expected. For those who are playing the game and have not completed, DO NOT click on the spoiler.
So I had a max ranked Colonel Psi User with badass Psi Armor sacrifice himself in the end to bring the enemy's ship out of the atmosphere before it explodes and destroy the earth. Salutations to the brave man. Oh, and yes, the game just ends after that... a little anticlimatic if you ask me...

By the end of my game, because of all the Heavys they were spamming me, I ended up with 13/20 of my soldiers being Heavy and the rest mostly being assault and sniper. I had only 1 support throughout almost the whole game...
Great start, really wordy though. Maybe you could reduce it to 1 mission per blog, because when you get to the later parts with 13 enemies appearing its going to be really really hard to account for all of them lol. Also this is one of the best games I've played though the ending wasn't quite what I expected. For those who are playing the game and have not completed, DO NOT click on the spoiler.
So I had a max ranked Colonel Psi User with badass Psi Armor sacrifice himself in the end to bring the enemy's ship out of the atmosphere before it explodes and destroy the earth. Salutations to the brave man. Oh, and yes, the game just ends after that... a little anticlimatic if you ask me...

By the end of my game, because of all the Heavys they were spamming me, I ended up with 13/20 of my soldiers being Heavy and the rest mostly being assault and sniper. I had only 1 support throughout almost the whole game...

I do agree, the first instance was way too wordy, and that was actually my plan, no more than 2 missions per episode. I will also be breaking up the team into 5 man teams until I can make the increase to 6 operatives per team. The teams will work independantly and members will be consistant, but will have interactions with eachother between missions. I will alsp be adding a dialogue to the storyline and I will be shifting from the naritive format because that did not work in the way I had hoped it would. I am for the most part going to be making the story up as I go along, however the actions taken by the members of the teams will have happened in the game. If someone dies in the game, they die in the story. If someone is hurt in the game, same result. as options are given they will be voted upon between episodes. Part 2 will be much better quality than part one, but just shows I had to knock the bugs out of a concept.

I will
Well, hey. Feel free to ask me for how I'd respond to a given situation, if you're stuck. Seeing as how it appears people want me shoved into a high-risk environment, I'm likely to end up on your squad.

yep, you are in, have not divided up the squads yet, but it will be announced in part 2
also, as a disclaimer to those whose names were used, as I am writing the story and dialogue, I may divert from something that would be in your true character to do or say, and although you may disagree, just remember that this is a fictional character in a fictional universe that happens to share your name and holds some similarities to you.

also, as I am writing I may actually contact a few of you and present you with an event and request for how you would respond which will then be transcribed for your fictional doppleganger to use in the story.

just something for all of you to be prepared for.
new members to the roster are as follows

Recruit Gurw
Recruit Greenearth
Recruit Casey
Recruit Moondoggy
Recruit Squeebz

Watch for part 2 in the next couple days.
new members to the roster are as follows

Recruit Gurw
Recruit Greenearth
Recruit Casey
Recruit Moondoggy
Recruit Squeebz

Watch for part 2 in the next couple days.
I will befriend Squeebz and then backstab her with a quilting needle. :ninja:
already stated this in the part 1 blog, but due to a failed save of the game, had to back track the last mission....the only difference in the outcome is that pixiel is now a sniper and not a heavy gunner.
I think this is going to be the most bad-ass squad ever assembled. I doubt you'll need to get any more recuits now.

...Why am I wearing a red uniform, and how come I don't have a last name? /Star Trek joke.
I must apologize....I lied about the length of part 2.....it may be longer than part 1, however it confirms that I will only be focusing on things one mission at a time with the inclusion of the dialogue between characters. which will expand the length of the series by quite a bit. just something to look forward to....but just be prepared, because it may be a tad lengthy....hopefully a good lengthy.
....but just be prepared, because it may be a tad lengthy....hopefully a good lengthy.

That's what she said!

Would it be at all possible for you to post who is currently active and their ranks and specialties, as well as the level of each thing that can be researched in your first post in here? It'd make for picking new research and what-not easier.