T9K battles extra-terrestrial invasion blog series.

updated roster following part 3

Lieutenant Godliberator - Heavy role - 5 missions - 11 kills
Sergent Ozy - Assault role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Sergent Beese - Heavy role - 0 missions - 0 Kills
Corporal Wooty - Support role - 4 missions - 2 kills
Corporal Ollee - Sniper role - 3 missions - 3 kills
Corporal Pixiel - Sniper role - 2 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Patchouii - Assault role - 1 mission - 3 kills
Squaddie Konflakes - Support role - 1 mission -2 kills
Squaddie Faerieincombatboots - Assault role - 1 mission - 1 kill
Rookie KC006 - undecided role - 1 mission - 0 kills
Rookie Casham - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie ConroD - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Tofurkey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Gurw - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Greenearth - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Casey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Moondoggy - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Squeebz - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills

as you can see, not much changed here other than the addition of Sgt Beese into the team. We all wish him good luck.
Knowing my luck, I'll be shot in the face because an alien came up behind me.
Hopefully that wont happen.
I demand to be in! How could you even consider making something war themed, without including Downed_Foes, The one who makes all Foes of Thee tremble in there pajamas! Ay, you make think I'm making this up as I go, but from where I'm from, I'm considered the deadliest warrior o them all! I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps.
I demand to be in! How could you even consider making something war themed, without including Downed_Foes, The one who makes all Foes of Thee tremble in there pajamas! Ay, you make think I'm making this up as I go, but from where I'm from, I'm considered the deadliest warrior o them all! I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps.

o.0.....well, just like everything that is in this story....it is all random, and new members are added by voting them in when the game decides to either kill off players or add new ones in....then it is up to this community to vote and decide on who the next team member will be....we are only coming up on part 4 which is about half way completed.....but I plan to take this series on for a while, so you have plenty of time to be voted into the fray.
o.0.....well, just like everything that is in this story....it is all random, and new members are added by voting them in when the game decides to either kill off players or add new ones in....then it is up to this community to vote and decide on who the next team member will be....we are only coming up on part 4 which is about half way completed.....but I plan to take this series on for a while, so you have plenty of time to be voted into the fray.
Is the storyline structured exactly as the game storyline? Will you put in twists?
updated roster following part 3

Lieutenant Godliberator - Heavy role - 5 missions - 11 kills
Sergent Ozy - Assault role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Sergent Beese - Heavy role - 0 missions - 0 Kills
Corporal Wooty - Support role - 4 missions - 2 kills
Corporal Ollee - Sniper role - 3 missions - 3 kills
Corporal Pixiel - Sniper role - 2 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Patchouii - Assault role - 1 mission - 3 kills
Squaddie Konflakes - Support role - 1 mission -2 kills
Squaddie Faerieincombatboots - Assault role - 1 mission - 1 kill
Rookie KC006 - undecided role - 1 mission - 0 kills
Rookie Casham - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie ConroD - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Tofurkey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Gurw - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Greenearth - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Casey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Moondoggy - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Squeebz - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills

as you can see, not much changed here other than the addition of Sgt Beese into the team. We all wish him good luck.
Can I join. OuO
Is the storyline structured exactly as the game storyline? Will you put in twists?

the story is fairly close to the game story line, but I am not really focusing on the larger picture that the game focuses on. I will use the same objectives throughout the story as in the game, but there will be twists, and a ton of fiction to run parallel to the story.

Can I join. OuO

when the game adds a new member, the community votes on who will be the next member....so, get voted in, and you are in.
Mfw people take me seriously...

I thought of something..... and since I obviously can't get in the story for no one will vote for me for sure.... I thought that you would at least add a cat in.... The story. :oops: