T9K battles extra-terrestrial invasion blog series.

updated roster following part 2

Lieutenant Godliberator - Heavy role - 5 missions - 11 kills
Sergent Ozy - Assault role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Corporal Wooty - Support role - 4 missions - 2 kills
Corporal Ollee - Sniper role - 3 missions - 3 kills
Corporal Pixiel - Sniper role - 2 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Patchouii - Assault role - 1 mission - 3 kills
Squaddie Konflakes - Support role - 1 mission -2 kills
Squaddie Faerieincombatboots - Assault role - 1 mission - 1 kill
Rookie KC006 - undecided role - 1 mission - 0 kills
Rookie Casham - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie ConroD - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Tofurkey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Gurw - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Greenearth - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Casey - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Moondoggy - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Squeebz - undecided role - 0 missions - 0 kills

There is also a new member who is being brought in by the council. You need to cast your vote in the blog for whom from t9k will be next to join the team. The new person will be a male Sergent in a heavy role.

Available research options to vote for in the blog.

Weapon fragments - when researched will improve weapons for the team
Alien Nav Computer - Research will lead to better detection of UFO's
Carapace Armor - lighter and stronger armor using alien alloys
Sectoid Autopsy - will allow to learn more about this enemy
Thin Man Autopsy - will allow to learn more about this enemy

at this point this is where things stand story wise, I am still tossing around the idea of posting the finances in here as well, but that will add a lot more information and I may just make executive decisions regarding purchases for inventory and requests from other countries for monetary aid.
also feel free to let me know if you like the story and the way things are going, any creative input is always appreciated.
I'm liking the new style. It's a little more in-depth than a good read should be, but nonetheless is great. We aren't attached to the characters enough (not enough backstory) for us to want to read more than a couple paragraphs of "billiards bullshit".
I'm liking the new style. It's a little more in-depth than a good read should be, but nonetheless is great. We aren't attached to the characters enough (not enough backstory) for us to want to read more than a couple paragraphs of "billiards bullshit".

I think this story may go on long enough you'll find some relation to the characters. For now it's just an intro, give it some time.
I'm liking the new style. It's a little more in-depth than a good read should be, but nonetheless is great. We aren't attached to the characters enough (not enough backstory) for us to want to read more than a couple paragraphs of "billiards bullshit".

there is about 20 hours of gameplay to go through and the new style I went with is really just the intro, I may start to paraphrase the actual missions to add more depth to the characters. Working to translate the action from a turn based game into a story can be done, but I am finding it difficult to find the way to make the story flow more effectively, and I have so far enjoyed writing this story. I made the length of time between voting longer to allow me to create some back story's for the characters and develop things better between writing each part. I like the way the story is going, but we have really only scratched the surface for this idea, and I am expecting to put out at least 35-40 parts. so think of part 1 as a teaser and part 2 as the pilot episode, then come next week, look forward to part 3.
there is about 20 hours of gameplay to go through and the new style I went with is really just the intro, I may start to paraphrase the actual missions to add more depth to the characters. Working to translate the action from a turn based game into a story can be done, but I am finding it difficult to find the way to make the story flow more effectively, and I have so far enjoyed writing this story. I made the length of time between voting longer to allow me to create some back story's for the characters and develop things better between writing each part. I like the way the story is going, but we have really only scratched the surface for this idea, and I am expecting to put out at least 35-40 parts. so think of part 1 as a teaser and part 2 as the pilot episode, then come next week, look forward to part 3.
Oh, but of course. I'm just pointing out that we'll need more backstory in order to stay interested in pages-worth of conversation.
Oh, but of course. I'm just pointing out that we'll need more backstory in order to stay interested in pages-worth of conversation.

I assure you, you will not be disappointed, and I am going to continually be developing the characters throughout the story... the goal is to have the reader emotionally attached to the characters and it may take time, but in total, this should be a kick ass story.
I assure you, you will not be disappointed, and I am going to continually be developing the characters throughout the story... the goal is to have the reader emotionally attached to the characters and it may take time, but in total, this should be a kick ass story.
Looking forward to it!
It feels weird reading about Pixiel.. but it's a cool kind of weird
I kept thinking "Ha, they'd never say that about me..." and "Why am I reading bout me like I'm a stranger?" :D

Also, haha, why is KC such a whiny bitch in this? :P
It feels weird reading about Pixiel.. but it's a cool kind of weird
I kept thinking "Ha, they'd never say that about me..." and "Why am I reading bout me like I'm a stranger?" :D

Also, haha, why is KC such a whiny bitch in this? :P

That weird feeling is exactly what I am going for when you read about your character in the story, because ultimately, it is you, but it is not you at the same time....

In regards to KC.....again, I have no idea, blame the game mechanics, because he legitimately was strait up targeted throughout that entire mission and missed every shot except the last one and he did not even get a kill off of it, which can be infuriating when I am trying to portray this as a gritty bad ass story narative and then the game continually throws a wrench at me....like having one member miss shots with 85% probability to make the shot and be the only one to get targeted by every single enemy as you are playing.......forcing you to protect that character with all the other characters.....speaking hypothetically of course.

so as another disclamer, if you read the story and hate it because you feel your character should be more of a bad ass......blame the game for hating your character and not the writer.
one more day to vote on who the new sgt will be. vote for a male member of t9k for the new sgt in the part 2 blog post. so far everyone voted for only has one vote. break the tie and elect a Sergent!
In the event of a tie, I think we should go with ConroD's suggestion. Because he's British. And that starts with the letter B, which is close to A, but not quite, so we should give it a shot.
In the event of a tie, I think we should go with ConroD's suggestion. Because he's British. And that starts with the letter B, which is close to A, but not quite, so we should give it a shot.

Well sir, that sounds like trouble and that starts with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool which is what my character was playing at the beginning of part 2.
Voting has ended, going with carapace armor and Beese has joined the roster as the new SGT. going to start writing part 3 and I hope to have it out by the middle of next week. once it is out I will update this thread with the updated version of the roster and available research options.
sooooo, I slacked and then the holidays took over. I picked back up writing this today, and going to try to get part three out soon. so if you are looking forward to it, just have patience and I will deliver.