Team Fortress 2 MvM

Sorry KC006, we've decided that we do not in fact need a second scout. I'm sorry. Unless you can play pyro for us, you have to be removed x3
Instead, we are looking for an experienced and skillful pyro. There's going to be alot of spies and the airblast will be EXTREMELY USEFUL. Probably the most useful thing in the game. If you wanna be our Pyro, contact me, nuron, or Conrod
Oi. Dick.
Give me a response.
You need a sniper. At least put me down as a backup.
Are me, Ozy, and Ollee the only people in Team9000 that actually like to play as a Medic? And don't go "Ugghhh I guess I'll be the medic...."
I recently fell in love with medic (mainly the ubersaw's ability), and have been giving it a bit of time.

Medic seems to be the only thing I'm good at, and I don't even know how. As soon as I started playing medic suddenly everyone's just "Holy shit Patch is a crazy awesome medic"

And I'm just like "...wat?"
Because, most medics view themselves as useless on the battlefield, whereas you are not afraid to go jam a saw up someone's ass.
You're in the one with Vorsprung, why do you need to be in BOTH?
Because I am greedy god dammit!
Also: people will get bored and stop playing and then I can jump over to the other team if they need me.
Also also: i don't get to be a sniper in the other team, and I love sniper.
I would; but you're so awful at TF2 I'd be wasting my time.
Says the man who lost to David in a Pyro duel. Also says the man who refused to even look for a server where both of you had decent ping, and insisted you both duel on an Aussie server, which most Americans will get ping-kicked from.

I believe you to be mostly talk. Am I saying I'm better? No, not at all. But the fact that every time Tf2 is mentioned, your ego swells to immense proportions is fucking ridiculous. It's a damn game. Who the fuck cares who is better? I play it for fun, not to have another thing to increase the size of my internet junk. Pyro's your thing, we get it. But seriously, you're starting to remind me of the little douches who do nothing but play CoD and yell profanity.
Says the man who lost to David in a Pyro duel. Also says the man who refused to even look for a server where both of you had decent ping, and insisted you both duel on an Aussie server, which most Americans will get ping-kicked from.

I believe you to be mostly talk. Am I saying I'm better? No, not at all. But the fact that every time Tf2 is mentioned, your ego swells to immense proportions is fucking ridiculous. It's a damn game. Who the fuck cares who is better? I play it for fun, not to have another thing to increase the size of my internet junk. Pyro's your thing, we get it. But seriously, you're starting to remind me of the little douches who do nothing but play CoD and yell profanity.
I didn't lose to David in a Pyro duel, what are you on about.
David's duelled me at least 3 times to memory.
One of those times (which was the Pyro v. Pyro duel), I beat him 2-1.
Another time (which may have been the Pyro v. Pyro duel but I can't say for certain), I beat him 1-0.
Third time? He duelled me, but cancelled because it was near round's end and he didn't want to waste it.

Also, I'd like to point out that by the same side of the coin, I'll get kicked from most American servers similarly, so don't even pull that one.
That, and you're legitimately awful. There, I said it.
Hell, most people on T9k are awful. I'm only slightly above average in the scheme of things.

Ultimately, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, you're a bit of a prick who's always been standoffish towards me. And I reserve the right to be arrogant about TF2 because I can talk the talk, and it's the one game I'm good at.
I'm fucking passionate about the "damn game".

...Also who needs internet junk, I ride on a fucking pant plane.

The thing that sets me apart from CoD kiddies is that I
1: Have a grasp on the English language
2: Don't play CoD or constantly yell profanity
3: Play a game which revolves around skill rather than the ability to hack and / or wank.

Now, please leave me alone. I honestly couldn't care less what a high-horse-dwelling, self-righteous weeaboo has to say, thanks.
I didn't lose to David in a Pyro duel, what are you on about.
David's duelled me at least 3 times to memory.
One of those times (which was the Pyro v. Pyro duel), I beat him 2-1.
Another time (which may have been the Pyro v. Pyro duel but I can't say for certain), I beat him 1-0.
Third time? He duelled me, but cancelled because it was near round's end and he didn't want to waste it.

Also, I'd like to point out that by the same side of the coin, I'll get kicked from most American servers similarly, so don't even pull that one.
That, and you're legitimately awful. There, I said it.
Hell, most people on T9k are awful. I'm only slightly above average in the scheme of things.

Ultimately, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, you're a bit of a prick who's always been standoffish towards me. And I reserve the right to be arrogant about TF2 because I can talk the talk, and it's the one game I'm good at.
I'm fucking passionate about the "damn game".

...Also who needs internet junk, I ride on a fucking pant plane.

The thing that sets me apart from CoD kiddies is that I
1: Have a grasp on the English language
2: Don't play CoD or constantly yell profanity
3: Play a game which revolves around skill rather than the ability to hack and / or wank.

Now, please leave me alone. I honestly couldn't care less what a high-horse-dwelling, self-righteous weeaboo has to say, thanks.
You, tone it the fuck down.

Maybe if you weren't such a hardass about everyone else's playing styles, he wouldn't seem like a "standoffish prick". If he seems like that to you, there's a reason for that.

I know arrogance is a part of your whole persona, but geez man.
You, tone it the fuck down.

Maybe if you weren't such a hardass about everyone else's playing styles, he wouldn't seem like a "standoffish prick". If he seems like that to you, there's a reason for that.

I know arrogance is a part of your whole persona, but geez man.
Honestly, I'm ambivalent about other people's playing styles; if they play badly, it's to my benefit. My pride and standing in TF2 could been seen to be at risk if I'm giving out tips on how to kill people (read: me). I spend serious time writing my TITs and contributing to the TF2 Wiki because I care about this.

As a noob, it was incredibly frustrating being killed every 5 seconds (and then waiting 20 seconds to respawn). There was no-one to talk to about improving. The TF2 Wiki is useful, but not the be-all-and-end-all. There's more that can be told from a personal viewpoint.

If I'm a hardass, it's only because I'm dutifully passionate, and I'd like to help people. Nothing's more frustrating than playing a game where you're not having fun. It's to my benefit that more people play and enjoy TF2. I want people to play with, because the vast majority of uniformed pub idiots are not fun to be on a team with.

And being over the top and arrogant is my style. It it's something I can be knowledgeable about, I will pursue that with vigour. And I know a lot about TF2. I play a lot of TF2. I want people to play a lot of TF2, for a multitude of reasons.

If people are going to be cuntish about me or my TF2 stylin', then that can be that, and they can expect bite.

I'm also deigning him a prick for a number of reasons I don't care to divulge.
In any case, my care is minimal. I don't care what people think of me and (given reasonable boundaries) I will speak my mind.

I'm pissy and tired and in desperate need of a sars and for fucking MvM to hurry up.
Honestly, I'm ambivalent about other people's playing styles; if they play badly, it's to my benefit. My pride and standing in TF2 could been seen to be at risk if I'm giving out tips on how to kill people (read: me). I spend serious time writing my TITs and contributing to the TF2 Wiki because I care about this.

As a noob, it was incredibly frustrating being killed every 5 seconds (and then waiting 20 seconds to respawn). There was no-one to talk to about improving. The TF2 Wiki is useful, but not the be-all-and-end-all. There's more that can be told from a personal viewpoint.

If I'm a hardass, it's only because I'm dutifully passionate, and I'd like to help people. Nothing's more frustrating than playing a game where you're not having fun. It's to my benefit that more people play and enjoy TF2. I want people to play with, because the vast majority of uniformed pub idiots are not fun to be on a team with.

And being over the top and arrogant is my style. It it's something I can be knowledgeable about, I will pursue that with vigour. And I know a lot about TF2. I play a lot of TF2. I want people to play a lot of TF2, for a multitude of reasons.

If people are going to be cuntish about me or my TF2 stylin', then that can be that, and they can expect bite.

I'm also deigning him a prick for a number of reasons I don't care to divulge.
In any case, my care is minimal. I don't care what people think of me and (given reasonable boundaries) I will speak my mind.

I'm pissy and tired and in desperate need of a sars and for fucking MvM to hurry up.
You, tone it the fuck down.

Maybe if you weren't such a hardass about everyone else's playing styles, he wouldn't seem like a "standoffish prick". If he seems like that to you, there's a reason for that.

I know arrogance is a part of your whole persona, but geez man.
Says the man who lost to David in a Pyro duel. Also says the man who refused to even look for a server where both of you had decent ping, and insisted you both duel on an Aussie server, which most Americans will get ping-kicked from.

I believe you to be mostly talk. Am I saying I'm better? No, not at all. But the fact that every time Tf2 is mentioned, your ego swells to immense proportions is fucking ridiculous. It's a damn game. Who the fuck cares who is better? I play it for fun, not to have another thing to increase the size of my internet junk. Pyro's your thing, we get it. But seriously, you're starting to remind me of the little douches who do nothing but play CoD and yell profanity.
All of you seem to forget the main issue here.
Honestly, I'm ambivalent about other people's playing styles; if they play badly, it's to my benefit. My pride and standing in TF2 could been seen to be at risk if I'm giving out tips on how to kill people (read: me). I spend serious time writing my TITs and contributing to the TF2 Wiki because I care about this.

As a noob, it was incredibly frustrating being killed every 5 seconds (and then waiting 20 seconds to respawn). There was no-one to talk to about improving. The TF2 Wiki is useful, but not the be-all-and-end-all. There's more that can be told from a personal viewpoint.

If I'm a hardass, it's only because I'm dutifully passionate, and I'd like to help people. Nothing's more frustrating than playing a game where you're not having fun. It's to my benefit that more people play and enjoy TF2. I want people to play with, because the vast majority of uniformed pub idiots are not fun to be on a team with.

And being over the top and arrogant is my style. It it's something I can be knowledgeable about, I will pursue that with vigour. And I know a lot about TF2. I play a lot of TF2. I want people to play a lot of TF2, for a multitude of reasons.

If people are going to be cuntish about me or my TF2 stylin', then that can be that, and they can expect bite.

I'm also deigning him a prick for a number of reasons I don't care to divulge.
In any case, my care is minimal. I don't care what people think of me and (given reasonable boundaries) I will speak my mind.

I'm pissy and tired and in desperate need of a sars and for fucking MvM to hurry up.
If you want to "help" people, try doing it without calling them complete idiots while you're at it. I don't much care the reasons, you can have arrogance as your thing, but you need to know when you've gone too far.
If you want to "help" people, try doing it without calling them complete idiots while you're at it. I don't much care the reasons, you can have arrogance as your thing, but you need to know when you've gone too far.
You don't know what you're talking about, weigh out.
All of you seem to forget the main issue here.
You know what you're talking about, you're a person.
You don't know what you're talking about, weigh out.
Excuse me if I'm not entirely focused at 5 AM.

But I'm pretty sure I'm close enough on target with my overall point of not being too much of a douche.

That's all my damn point is, you were a bit extreme, so I told you to tone it down.

I didn't ask for giant walls of text arguments, or else my responses would be longer than four sentences.
Sorry KC006, we've decided that we do not in fact need a second scout. I'm sorry. Unless you can play pyro for us, you have to be removed x3
Instead, we are looking for an experienced and skillful pyro. There's going to be alot of spies and the airblast will be EXTREMELY USEFUL. Probably the most useful thing in the game. If you wanna be our Pyro, contact me, nuron, or Conrod
I'll be the fucking pyro. For fuck sake.
If I beat Nuron in a scout duel, can I replace him?
Sorry KC006, we've decided that we do not in fact need a second scout. I'm sorry. Unless you can play pyro for us, you have to be removed x3
Instead, we are looking for an experienced and skillful pyro. There's going to be alot of spies and the airblast will be EXTREMELY USEFUL. Probably the most useful thing in the game. If you wanna be our Pyro, contact me, nuron, or Conrod
I don't get it, compare my stats with nuron. dafuq.