Team Fortress 2 MvM

Me and Nuron are also forming a team for Mvm. Heres who we have.
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: Konflakes
Medic: Shooterty
Combat Engy: Zen
Im going to revise this list with Nuron and we'll decide who stays.
Oi. Chuck me in as a sniper if you can.
Thanks Davey boy. Ya' bloody wanker!
Me and Nuron are also forming a team for Mvm. Heres who we have.
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: Konflakes
Medic: Shooterty
Combat Engy: Zen
Im going to revise this list with Nuron and we'll decide who stays.


If you want, Shooterty, I can be the medic instead. I can play well as any class, to be honest.

If you want, Shooterty, I can be the medic instead. I can play well as any class, to be honest.

my best classes are demo and solider. they make da big boo booms. im also good with pyro, scout and depending if my team is good or not: engi
This might be a good guess of what Man Vs. Machine would look like: not the map but more of a spot where you need to defend for a certain amount of time and the bots will come gradually.
it took me like a week to master demo and now i go like 40 and 20 with him. dunno whachu talkin bout. but hell vorsprungs know all about tf2 so i guess i must have had past refrence to using a gun similar to demoman's guns.
I'm sorry, but you haven't mastered demo :S
Me and Nuron are also forming a team for Mvm. Heres who we have.
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: Konflakes
Medic: Shooterty
Combat Engy: Zen
Im going to revise this list with Nuron and we'll decide who stays.
I'll go demo for this, ...

We need a Medic, so that's the bottom line here.

No offense, but we already have too many noob Demos in the world. Demo is a very difficult class to play as, and very few can play him well. Usty is exceptionally good as Demo; it's his specialty. My specialties are Pyro or Engy, but considering there's plenty of Engys to go around...

Look, who even cares! I'll play with whoever is available. Because no-one ever rocks up on time.
And demo for this....

it took me like a week to master demo and now i go like 40 and 20 with him. dunno whachu talkin bout. but hell vorsprungs know all about tf2 so i guess i must have had past refrence to using a gun similar to demoman's guns.
I'm sorry, but you haven't mastered demo... yet :)
This might be a good guess of what Man Vs. Machine would look like: not the map but more of a spot where you need to defend for a certain amount of time and the bots will come gradually.
Yeah, the point of the robots is to bring a bomb to a point in the map, if you read This Page you would know that ;)
I'll go demo for this, ...

And demo for this....

I'm sorry, but you haven't mastered demo... yet :)

there are how to plays for tf2 that tell you all the techniques, tips & tricks for all the classes and watching them is like bitch slapping the learning curve across the face (i know there are tutorials and i did them as well but they are less informative). it told me all the ways to use stickies correctly, the ways of bouncing grenades off walls to get enemies around corners or just plain ol' spamming them into a crowd of enemies, and all the ways to counter and bring down other classes. after putting all teh tingies they taught i put it together and played it for a while it wasn't that hard to master.
Demo's already taken...and you should prob play for one know with the limited space (6)
Demos and soldiers typically go for more than one per team.

there are how to plays for tf2 that tell you all the techniques, tips & tricks for all the classes and watching them is like bitch slapping the learning curve across the face (i know there are tutorials and i did them as well but they are less informative). it told me all the ways to use stickies correctly, the ways of bouncing grenades off walls to get enemies around corners or just plain ol' spamming them into a crowd of enemies, and all the ways to counter and bring down other classes. after putting all teh tingies they taught i put it together and played it for a while it wasn't that hard to master.
Watching and practice ≠ mastery. We played a little while ago (a week and a half ago, I think), and all you did was demospam, which is somewhat effective... but not entirely so.
Here's our new squad:
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: ConroD
Medic: Patchouli
Combat Engy: Zen
^If Zen can't make it, then MoleManMike is our backup sniper
If you got replaced, don't cry about and don't worry. We didn't remove you because you suck, you just got replaced because we wanted the game to be more fun and play with people that I think will help us ALOT. We'll be playing more of these in the future, so don't hate.

Anyway, we will have a 5 hour marathon starting tomorrow the 15th at 8:00 pm EST . We might need an empty server with the game mode so please help us out and look for one. If you are unable to play at the scheduled time, please notify me immediately. If you don't have me added on steam, my username is [T9K]Cpt.Azn. See you all there :D
Demos and soldiers typically go for more than one per team.

Watching and practice ≠ mastery. We played a little while ago (a week and a half ago, I think), and all you did was demospam, which is somewhat effective... but not entirely so.

that was a while ago. demospam is only necessary when dealing with an open environment where enemies can swerve around and doge grenades so best chances are just to spam stickies and grenades everywhere to hope they will explode under there feet or directly on them.
Here's our new squad:
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: ConroD
Medic: Patchouli
Combat Engy: Zen

If you got replaced, don't cry about and don't worry. We didn't remove you because you suck, you just got replaced because we wanted the game to be more fun and play with people that I think will help us ALOT. We'll be playing more of these in the future, so don't hate.

Anyway, we will have a 5 hour marathon starting tomorrow the 15th at 8:00 pm EST . We might need an empty server with the game mode so please help us out and look for one. If you are unable to play at the scheduled time, please notify me immediately. If you don't have me added on steam, my username is [T9K]Cpt.Azn. See you all there :D

i don't think you will need an entire server to host a 6 player game. i believe you will be able to just create private lobby for you and your friends to play on.
Here's our new squad:
Scout1: Nuron
Scout2: Kc006
Demo: Me
Soldier: ConroD
Medic: Patchouli
Combat Engy: Zen

If you got replaced, don't cry about and don't worry. We didn't remove you because you suck, you just got replaced because we wanted the game to be more fun and play with people that I think will help us ALOT. We'll be playing more of these in the future, so don't hate.

Anyway, we will have a 5 hour marathon starting tomorrow the 15th at 8:00 pm EST . We might need an empty server with the game mode so please help us out and look for one. If you are unable to play at the scheduled time, please notify me immediately. If you don't have me added on steam, my username is [T9K]Cpt.Azn. See you all there :D
I'd play heavy, if you don't mind me using my joke loadout.
that was a while ago. demospam is only necessary when dealing with an open environment where enemies can swerve around and doge grenades so best chances are just to spam stickies and grenades everywhere to hope they will explode under there feet or directly on them.
There are better ways to handle crowds, just saying.