Team9000 1.9 Test Servers!

theres only one problem i have to report at this time and it pertains to me only, if i run my current texture pack from 1.7.3 it runs smooth as butter but i dont see any of the new blocks' textures. if i go back to default pack, the lag is unbearable to the point where it takes me 5 minutes to pause the game.
@flashflame - You did buy Minecraft, didn't you? Because that's saying that you illegally downloaded the game. Tut tut. Ripping off Notch.
In response to the actual blog instructions - problem. I got it all up-and-running O.K, but the game has frozen on the updating screen about 1/16 from finishing downloading. It says 'Done loading', but it's utterly frozen.
Also... Playing it on the browser, I can get past the loading screen, but then it freezes on a black screen.