Team9000 Fitness

I'd definitely be interested, just I have a few health issues that may interfere with any diet or other...
6:30 is a good mile, and if you are sick, there might be several reasons for that. How soon into the ruin do you feel sick? If it is almost right away, slow down, most of the time people feel sick because they push themselves too hard. Find a comfortable pace. Start out at a comfortable pace. If you have to focus to keep that pace, or you start feeling sick, slow it down a bit. If your mind starts wandering, pick it up a bit. A good pace will have you conscious of your breathing, but smooth and comfortable. It takes a bit of self "analysis" but pay attention to the signs. A good pace will be something you feel like you ca run at for a while.

Also, I tend to feel sick after running because I will run about a mile and a half at a good pace, then just sprint out the last half mile. Doing something like that will tire out your body, especially your core. Also, if you aren't hydrating properly, you will definitely be sick. Hydration is the MOST IMPORTANT thing when it comes to exercising and healthy living. When I say hydrate, that means drink lots of water throughout the day, not right before you run or exercise. If you eat or drink before you run, you will get sick. Also, if you drink water throughout the day, your metabolism naturally increases, your appetite is slightly more curved, and you are able to do more physically. Also, your body tends to store less fat, and your liver and kidneys will love you. Water is the key to everything, and you will all here that from me. All the time.

A lot of how you feel is dependent on you, so let me know if any of the above applies. Also, Asthma shouldn't be making you feel sick, it would be more that you couldn't breathe properly. You would be very light headed, you could possibly get tunnel vision, and your chest would start to hurt. A lot.

I would love to go into this more, I think I have my first blog post :)

If you want to know more, just message team9000fitness.
Thanks :D I start feeling sick near 3/4 of the way there (our mile is 4 times around the track)
Thanks :D I start feeling sick near 3/4 of the way there (our mile is 4 times around the track)

If it takes that long for you to start feeling sick, slow down a bit, you are running too fast. Keep an eye out Monday for my first blog post, It will cover proper running techniques, along with ways to increase your pace and distance.
Best way to lose weight, mostly fat from the thighs, chest, and stomach area?
Thighs and stomach:
running. or biking, but you would have to bike a lot more.
Well what I did is push ups and lifted weights (start light then get heavier)

Also eating right. Healthy food sucks most of the time, but after you eat it for a while, it starts tasting great.
You can't just focus on a certain body part. No matter what muscle/s you work out, your body pulls fat from all over, not from the part you are working out.

Your problem areas are simply where your body like to store fat the most and those tend to be the last place it pulls fat from. Eat healthy, and in moderation, stay active, and drink lots of water.

I will make a new T9kFitness here soon.
You see, the real reason humans have been so successful is that we're really good at synthesizing energy from our foods and storing it as fat.
Most other animals struggle to do this. It's why we've thrived.
But our actually awesome evolutionary trait is now just annoying in a modern context.

It's interesting.
You see, the real reason humans have been so successful is that we're really good at synthesizing energy from our foods and storing it as fat.
Most other animals struggle to do this. It's why we've thrived.
But our actually awesome evolutionary trait is now just annoying in a modern context.

It's interesting.
So we're trying to devolve?

Sounds about right.
My problem is... I LOVE THE SHIT out of food, so I need to be able to continue to eat the way I want, and work out with the hopes of getting better.
I could help you guys too, my mom used to teach a spin class at a gym and would always tell me health tips and such.
"Is your screen plugged in? My dad is an IS tech"
Lol. But anyway.

Best exercises to build defined abs?
I have no body fat and a good core strength but I want to start building some muscle.
Focusing mainly on abs and chest.
What do?