TF2 Load-outs

I don't like to use the beggar's bazooka in mvm, because it won't get ammo from dispensers :confused:
It's not really an issue because there's buttloads of big ammo crates everywhere, and you can use canteens, or just increase your ammo capacity.

The best thing about the Beggar's Bazooka in MvM is that you can increase the clip size to 11. Combine that with a Kritz canteen, a Buff Banner, or a Kritzkrieg, and you get a massive wave of undeniable pain. Great against tanks.
It's not really an issue because there's buttloads of big ammo crates everywhere, and you can use canteens, or just increase your ammo capacity.

The best thing about the Beggar's Bazooka in MvM is that you can increase the clip size to 11. Combine that with a Kritz canteen, a Buff Banner, or a Kritzkrieg, and you get a massive wave of undeniable pain. Great against tanks.
You're saying that as if we all haven't heard of that technique A HUNDRED TIMES ALREADY.
Fun and still pretty effective loadout:

Candy Cane

Go near the frontlines, still so slow, drink crit-a-cola, get a bit faster, kill people, get faster, get hurt real bad, grab health packages, scunt away, wait untill crit-a-cola is back, run at UBER MEGA MAX SPEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!eleven!

I just have to play with loads of disciplinary-action soldiers once, to go faster than light and stuff.
Good loadout as Heavy:

Buffalo Steak
Holiday Punch

1. Consume steak
2. Equip mittens
3. Punch everything
4. Punch them some more
5. Use the Showdown taunt
6. Punch more people
7. Gun them down
8. ????
9. Profit
In terms of loadouts...
