TF2 Load-outs

Sort of the reason why I stuck with Spy, with Ambassador and Cloak and Dagger. :3
Stock scout, soldier, demoman, engineer, and medic all are pretty good.

Especially demoman. My demoman loadout is pretty much exactly the stock loadout, but with strange weapon variants.
Stock scout, soldier, demoman, engineer, and medic all are pretty good.

Especially demoman. My demoman loadout is pretty much exactly the stock loadout, but with strange weapon variants.

Stock Spy went really well for me. I got a few kills, and it worked out. The Cloak and Dagger really helped out, it sort of gave me more cloaking time, which gave me more time for sneaky stuff...if you know what I mean.
Stock Spy went really well for me. I got a few kills, and it worked out. The Cloak and Dagger really helped out, it sort of gave me more cloaking time, which gave me more time for sneaky stuff...if you know what I mean.
And then W+M1 Pyro
Sort of the reason why I stuck with Spy, with Ambassador and Cloak and Dagger. :3
Glad you found something you like. :3 Now, stick to it until you get an item that catches your attention. When that happens, load up a training game with bots and test it out before you dive into a server with it. :P Getting the basics of each weapon down is the key to getting better at using the class as a whole. For example:

Spy has 4 loadout slots: Revolver, Watch, Sapper, Knife. Learning how the revolvers require a cooldown before they are 100% accurate again, how the cloak can be recharged with ammo, and by enemy dispensers, when the best time to sap an engi's building are, and when to backstab people are all crucial parts to becoming a good spy. Oh, one final thing, disguising while cloaked makes you visible for a short period of time.
Oh, one final thing, disguising while cloaked makes you visible for a short period of time.
No it doesn't.

That's just a visual effect that is shown to friendlies in the deathcam to show your teammate is disguising whilst cloaked.

In fact, if you disguised whilst cloaked, there will be no visual effect.

Disguising whilst uncloaked will produce puffs of smoke and a noise, so disguise when cloaked!
Jeez Chiba, you derkwad.
Glad you found something you like. :3 Now, stick to it until you get an item that catches your attention. When that happens, load up a training game with bots and test it out before you dive into a server with it. :P Getting the basics of each weapon down is the key to getting better at using the class as a whole. For example:

Spy has 4 loadout slots: Revolver, Watch, Sapper, Knife. Learning how the revolvers require a cooldown before they are 100% accurate again, how the cloak can be recharged with ammo, and by enemy dispensers, when the best time to sap an engi's building are, and when to backstab people are all crucial parts to becoming a good spy. Oh, one final thing, disguising while cloaked makes you visible for a short period of time.

I never knew that revolvers need cooldowns.

Really, I don't use revolvers as much, because I always thought they were inferior to backstabs. The backstab seemed to be more efficient, and I just had the revolvers for the design.

Also, for me it goes: Hide, Sneak, Disguise, Unhide, Backstab (Repeat the process)
I never knew that revolvers need cooldowns.

Really, I don't use revolvers as much, because I always thought they were inferior to backstabs. The backstab seemed to be more efficient, and I just had the revolvers for the design.

Also, for me it goes: Hide, Sneak, Disguise, Unhide, Backstab (Repeat the process)
I just facestab noobs. It works pretty well.
I never knew that revolvers need cooldowns.

Really, I don't use revolvers as much, because I always thought they were inferior to backstabs. The backstab seemed to be more efficient, and I just had the revolvers for the design.

Also, for me it goes: Hide, Sneak, Disguise, Unhide, Backstab (Repeat the process)
You aren't doing much "support" for your team that way. Even if you learn how to efficiently backstab enemy player, the revolver comes very handy. Try backstabbing a Soldier with a Direct Hit or a Pyro running at you with the Flamethrower. The Spy for me is personally a roaming class, although everyone has a different playstyle.
My two cents? Revolvers come in handy when you need to kill an Engineer at a long distance to get to his buildings or to take down a straggling enemy with low health.
I never knew that revolvers need cooldowns.
Every revolver fires a perfectly accurate shot down the crosshair on its first shot.
Subsequent shots will have deviation (otherwise knows as 'bullet spread').

There is a cooldown period of 1.25 seconds between shots where this deviation resets.
Basically, wait about 2 seconds between shots to ensure you're always perfectly accurate.

Pistols / SMGs function the same way (first shot is straight down the crosshair, and then all subsequent will deviate unless you wait 1.25 seconds between shots).

Shotguns also have deviation.
A Shotgun will fire one pellet perfectly and directly down the crosshair, and all other pellets will be subject to 'random bullet spread'.
(Scatterguns and Miniguns work similarly.)
If trying to repeatedly headshot with the Ambassador, you can just reload between every shot, and you won't have to worry about that bullet spread.
You aren't doing much "support" for your team that way. Even if you learn how to efficiently backstab enemy player, the revolver comes very handy. Try backstabbing a Soldier with a Direct Hit or a Pyro running at you with the Flamethrower. The Spy for me is personally a roaming class, although everyone has a different playstyle.
My two cents? Revolvers come in handy when you need to kill an Engineer at a long distance to get to his buildings or to take down a straggling enemy with low health.

You're gonna have to make it a dollar.

Now, with Engineers, I prefer that you don't use the revolver, because once you shoot the revolver, you're instantly revealed. You're basically a guy with a couple of weak weapons that only work when you're disguised. It's hard to inflict damage from long range when you're using a revolver. :3 If there were a sentry, you'd instantly go poof if you were within its range. Sapping the sentry then backstabbing the engineer is best, as it keeps you safe.
If trying to repeatedly headshot with the Ambassador, you can just reload between every shot, and you won't have to worry about that bullet spread.
The Ambassador also has an additional deviation mechanic when it comes to its headshot capability:

You cannot repeatedly fire headshot-capable rounds with the Ambassador. After a shot, you will notice that the crosshair will enlarge. The crosshair will return to normal size after a few seconds.

Once it's back to normal size, you can deal a headshot again.

Basically, you can't spam headshots. Wait for your crosshair to go small again and then aim for the eyeball.
Now, with Engineers, I prefer that you don't use the revolver, because once you shoot the revolver, you're instantly revealed. You're basically a guy with a couple of weak weapons that only work when you're disguised. It's hard to inflict damage from long range when you're using a revolver. :3 If there were a sentry, you'd instantly go poof if you were within its range. Sapping the sentry then backstabbing the engineer is best, as it keeps you safe.

People do forget, however, that the Revolver is deceptively powerful at close- to medium-range. It fires quickly, accurately, and deals moderate damage. A clip can kill most classes, and it reloads quickly.
The Ambassador also has an additional deviation mechanic when it comes to its headshot capability:

You cannot repeatedly fire headshot-capable rounds with the Ambassador. After a shot, you will notice that the crosshair will enlarge. The crosshair will return to normal size after a few seconds.

Once it's back to normal size, you can deal a headshot again.

Basically, you can't spam headshots. Wait for your crosshair to go small again and then aim for the eyeball.
I know, that's why you just reload and the problem will fix itself.

You're gonna have to make it a dollar.

Now, with Engineers, I prefer that you don't use the revolver, because once you shoot the revolver, you're instantly revealed. You're basically a guy with a couple of weak weapons that only work when you're disguised. It's hard to inflict damage from long range when you're using a revolver. :3 If there were a sentry, you'd instantly go poof if you were within its range. Sapping the sentry then backstabbing the engineer is best, as it keeps you safe.
Headshot engineer, disguise, sap sentry.
You're gonna have to make it a dollar.

Now, with Engineers, I prefer that you don't use the revolver, because once you shoot the revolver, you're instantly revealed. You're basically a guy with a couple of weak weapons that only work when you're disguised. It's hard to inflict damage from long range when you're using a revolver. :3 If there were a sentry, you'd instantly go poof if you were within its range. Sapping the sentry then backstabbing the engineer is best, as it keeps you safe.
Revolvers come in handy when you need to kill an Engineer at a long distance to get to his buildings.
Let's say you are standing at one end of a long alleyway and the engineer has his nest on the other side. Being a spy, it'd be impossible to sneak up him with such a small range to roam. It's best to pick him off where you are out of the sentry's reach and then safely walk up to the machines and sap them.

Just ask Zen, he's tasted the Ambassador a few times :3
I know, that's why you just reload and the problem will fix itself.
I don't like the Ambassador.

I used to use the Enforcer before it got nerfed. I used the Ambassador after that, and although the headshot capability was useful, I found that I came into firefights more often than where I'd come into situations where I'd need to headshot, like if there was a Razorback Sniper.

Every other revolver besides the stock has either a damage penalty, a firing speed penalty, or both.

The Revolver is quick and brutal.
Now, if only I could afford a Big Kill.
So, during the previous game night, I obtained two items, the Huntsman, and the Huo-Long Heater.

I'm requesting some quick info on it.