The Asian Music Theard


Well-Known Member
I love to listen time to time some Asian Music, even if i don't understand what there saying XD
Anyway, throw in some links from youtube of your Favorite Asian music, Pop, Rock, Acoustic, etc.
please no PSY because we have seen it all... ok a little bit i guess. from games like FF or amine shows, you know what I'm talking about. lets get this show on the road and listen to some awesome stuff on T9K Asian Station 97.5 FM!
That settles it. There now needs to be a Slavic music thread, a Germanic music thread, and a Frankish music thread.
Hey your on the air on T9K Asian Station 97.5 FM

That settles it. There now needs to be a Slavic music thread, a Germanic music thread, and a Frankish music thread.

I see, its hard to make a thread a all in one. But no worries I have a song for you that will be a breeze its Kaoma - Essa Maneira.
Here on the only station that makes great Ozy Burgers, T9K Asain Station 97.5 FM!

The Everlasting Guilty Crown (pocotan Remix)

Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@Mate (Ryu Remix) 【光過敏性発作注意!】

Giga Pudding :laugh:

Giga Pudding Blasta (PUDDIPUDDIPUDDI)

ニンジーンloves You Yeah!

Alstroemeria Records - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE Remix)

disregard the title of the video, its an actual track to an artist I used to listen to a lot when I was younger. She's probably more well known for doing the theme song to the Detective Conan anime back in the day:

also, for you Kingdom Hearts fans, have some Utada :D
My mood pretty much just shifts between these three on any given day:

>_> I should probably be worried.