The Elder Scrolls Online


Well-Known Member
Long ago, when YouTube wasn't widely known yet, a humble company named Bethesda was working on its newest game, The Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion. Bethesda also had partner at that time, Zenimax Studiois. Bethesda then ordered Zenimax to create an MMORPG using the elder scrolls storyline. Zenimax then secretly worked on this new project.Years later, they finally announced it to the public, claiming it to be released on 2013. It was called The Elder Scrolls Online....


The Elder Scrolls Online is a huge MMO in which you can finally explore all of Tamriel! When it was first announced, people were highly against it for they thought that Bethesda would never make a single player Elder scrolls again. But then they found out it was being made by Zenimax and just published by Bethesda, relieving them greatly and rewarding the young game with acceptance from fans.

You play as a simple citizen of one of the three alliances in the game. The planet of Nirn is threatened to be bound with the hell-like planes of Oblivion, turning everything into one giant hell scape. This threat was imposed by the evil daedric prince known as Molag Bal, summoned by the foolish Imperials after losing hope in the second empire. It is set in a time long before the oblivion crisis. Much more info in the main site:

(just one little message)
Don't listen to what those ignorant Nords in Skyrim say about the Aldmeri Dominion! This is the first Aldmeri Dominion, the respectfull empire simply seeking to keep Tamriel away from the ignorant and foolish rules of mankind. Unlike the second Aldmeri Dominion, these elves were respectfull and accepting and didn't believe in slavery.

I put it there because many people think the Dominion are the same bitches from skyrim, that is wrong. :p

Anyway, what do you think about the game?
I know a guy on the development team,
He's a pretty cool dude.

Regardless, I might play it... I might not.

>not being a part of the argonian master race

We have maids,
Lusty ones at that.
If this is decent, new pants will be needed.

Probably playing as a High Elf my first run. Magic always has an advantage in MMO's for some reason.
If this is decent, new pants will be needed.

Probably playing as a High Elf my first run. Magic always has an advantage in MMO's for some reason.
I'm gonna play as a Khajiit..... Why?..... Because they are KITTIES! Who doesn't want kitties that can fight?!
I would play as a Khajiit, I'm just worried that stealth won't matter as much in ESO like it does in Oblivion, Morrowind, or Skyrim.
I would play as a Khajiit, I'm just worried that stealth won't matter as much in ESO like it does in Oblivion, Morrowind, or Skyrim.
It does, Zenimax has confirmed that there will be elder scrolls. Those things are artifacts so powerfull, that when captured it will give a large bonus to every member of the alliance you captured it for. Sometimes the other player takes it, and then you'll have to try to steal it without making too much commotion. And Ofcourse there are many other things worth stealing. And you may also assassinate the player who is crowned emperor. (and anyone you hate) Khajiit are also said to be very strong warriors, not just stealthy unseen kittens. XD
Here's someone talking about his experience with the alpha.

I'm still not terribly convinced. MMO's have never interested me past level 20, but I do like TES. So we'll see.
I am seriously beyond excited for this. I'm pretty sure that I'll have to upgrade the crap out of my computer before I'll actually be able to play this though. But it looks frickin' awesome.
I'm wondering: will your faction be based on your race, or can you mix them (like, a Nord in the Aldmeri Dominion)?

I love the fact that they're making it for Mac as well. It will be slightly less of a hassle to play without booting into a separate OS.
I'm wondering: will your faction be based on your race, or can you mix them (like, a Nord in the Aldmeri Dominion)?

I love the fact that they're making it for Mac as well. It will be slightly less of a hassle to play without booting into a separate OS.
You can't mix them, they belong in the factions and can't go to some other faction.

Your race is apparently stuck in the faction it belongs to. (kind of racist IMO)

.......But hey, they may prove me wrong when they release new info. based on this topic.
Unfortunately you don't seem to be able to miss with spells..... but meh, seems elder scrolls like enough anyway..... I think.....
I'm wondering: will your faction be based on your race, or can you mix them (like, a Nord in the Aldmeri Dominion)?

I love the fact that they're making it for Mac as well. It will be slightly less of a hassle to play without booting into a separate OS.

I believe you can join up to 5 guilds and that these guilds can have members from all sides of the 3 Alliances if that's any help at all.