The Elder Scrolls Online

Ehhhhhhh... sorry. Wasn't really sure what to say. I should be more active on here, that's for sure!
No no your fine I just spent like 5 minutes thinking "huh this guy kinda came off like an ass". Then I realized I was reading to much into it and really you just wanted to try out the beta before buying the game. Finally I realized I was being the ass for thinking that and decided to not write what I originally thought to write. Moral of the story is no one is an ass and yes you should be active more!

Also I hope you like the beta, try to go in with an open mind and judge for your self, otherwise you may find the experience souring.

Also if you are wondering what is up my butt, welp you can blame 8 hours of work sat testing for this :P
No no your fine I just spent like 5 minutes thinking "huh this guy kinda came off like an ass". Then I realized I was reading to much into it and really you just wanted to try out the beta before buying the game. Finally I realized I was being the ass for thinking that and decided to not write what I originally thought to write. Moral of the story is no one is an ass and yes you should be active more!

Also I hope you like the beta, try to go in with an open mind and judge for your self, otherwise you may find the experience souring.

Also if you are wondering what is up my butt, welp you can blame 8 hours of work sat testing for this :P
Maybe chair stuffing is up your butt. I heard its bad for the kidneys
I've got a spare code, even though it looks like I won't be able to play (crappy Australian Internet).
If you want one, hit me up for it.
For those who don't know this game comes out in less than a month. i will be playing it. i have pre-ordered the Imperial Edition so i can play as an Imperial! The release date is 4/4/2014

We should try and organize our own Guild when it goes live or get in the same one.
For those who don't know this game comes out in less than a month. i will be playing it. i have pre-ordered the Imperial Edition so i can play as an Imperial! The release date is 4/4/2014

We should try and organize our own Guild when it goes live or get in the same one.
they are letting us play imperial with next beta weekend, so i will know if i should pre order the imperial edition
Since ESO will be releasing soon, and the idea of a Team9000 guild is being kicked around, I was wondering what faction people would be joining into as you might not be able to run cross faction guilds.
Classes are merely a starting point. You build independently, just like in Skyrim.

I played the beta since november and figured as much. never played skyrim. I have the Imperial version so if we have enough for a guild then i guess we'll make one.
It's 60 bucks for the game PLUS 13 bucks a month? Screw that, I aint that rich.
Exactly my reason that I will not be purchasing the game.

Pay for a game expecting to own it, and then have to pay even more to just be able to play it?

Sounds basically like the bullshit Microsoft was trying to pull with their original plans for the Xbox One... "You own your game? Thats cute... do this, this, and this or we won't let you play it."

I see this failing horribly based on the fact people won't want to pay that much.

Btw, I can easily afford it, I just hate the idea of not being able to play a game I purchased whenever I damn well feel like it.
i love the idea of a monthly sub. keeps all the little kids out.

Btw what if Star citizen has a monthly sub? they've never said how they'll pay for that game to run. has to be a sub or microtransactions. not going to play it either?
i love the idea of a monthly sub. keeps all the little kids out.

Btw what if Star citizen has a monthly sub? they've never said how they'll pay for that game to run. has to be a sub or microtransactions. not going to play it either?
His protest, as well as the protest of many others, is due to the monthly sub fee ON TOP of an initial purchase of 60 dollars.

Most would prefer one or the other.
i love the idea of a monthly sub. keeps all the little kids out.

Btw what if Star citizen has a monthly sub? they've never said how they'll pay for that game to run. has to be a sub or microtransactions. not going to play it either?
With the tremendous amount of crowdfunding, I'm almost certain there won't be a monthly. Plus, they'd kinda be seen as crooks if they promised the game from backing and then just popped "Oh, btw, it's also gonna cost you 15 bucks a month", which would be a horrible move on them, as they could easily make more money by players purchasing 200 dollar ships, since I can imagine that the amount of players would be drastically lower if they did charge monthly.

His protest, as well as the protest of many others, is due to the monthly sub fee ON TOP of an initial purchase of 60 dollars.

Most would prefer one or the other.
Exactly, I played runescape from the time I was 9 til I was 15, granted, it was only 5 bucks a month, not 13. An initial purchase plus a monthly just seems like a scumbag move. I honestly don't mind a few micro purchases on a game either.
i love the idea of a monthly sub. keeps all the little kids out.

Btw what if Star citizen has a monthly sub? they've never said how they'll pay for that game to run. has to be a sub or microtransactions. not going to play it either?
With the tremendous amount of crowdfunding, I'm almost certain there won't be a monthly. Plus, they'd kinda be seen as crooks if they promised the game from backing and then just popped "Oh, btw, it's also gonna cost you 15 bucks a month", which would be a horrible move on them, as they could easily make more money by players purchasing 200 dollar ships, since I can imagine that the amount of players would be drastically lower if they did charge monthly.

Exactly, I played runescape from the time I was 9 til I was 15, granted, it was only 5 bucks a month, not 13. An initial purchase plus a monthly just seems like a scumbag move. I honestly don't mind a few micro purchases on a game either.

They have already stated there won't be required subs. When the game comes out, it will be relesased to the masses, and the money they make on selling the game alone goes straight back to the game since they already paid for it to be made and don't have publishers trying to cash grab it all.

Also, Elder Scrolls is simply adopting an older sub model, since people seem really turned off by the pay to win models out there. Most older MMOs did the same thing when they initially came out. Not saying this is the best way to go, but I am sure they have had plenty of professionals calculate which model would rake in the most money for them. While you may not pay it, they know most people will.