The fastest dying thread

Interestingly enough, this thread was started on 01/01/11, and the first 11 posts occured within 1 day of it's creation.

And because he just mentioned how he was a builder, I just randomly realized that moondoggy and I both joined this website on the same day.

Know who else joined that day? ThaProfessor. We are in a very special class.
Pi is delicious.
The problem is that pi r ^2, and since in actuality, cake are squared and are lies we can draw the following conclusions:

Thread is round ∴ thread is pie ∴ thread r ^2 ∴ thread is cake ∴ thread is a lie ∴ thread does not actually exist ∴ thread cannot die, for it never was alive ∴ we are all figments of Wooty's imagination, posting in his Inception-styled dream world.

Because of this, we can further draw one final conclusion:

I have just posted, preventing this thread from dying for another moment of time.