The New Super Smash Bros.

Honestly, hate the three newest characters. Not gonna lie.

But Shulk is amazing, so I don't really care.
I like them as characters but they won't become mains ever. cloud feels like a weak ike, I mean dude he has a giant ass sword and he hits like a girl.
I feel this smash has a lot of sword users so meh to the fire emblem dude
and bayonetta is cool but idk if I really want to use her.
so I'll probably get them to get them but never use them
I totally forgot this thread was a thing. But I have been hardcore playing smash for almost a year, watching twitch streams, and playing with my friends. Anyone interested in playing me sometime hit me up. I'm taking a break atm to play through the Bayonetta games, and after that maybe try playing her in smash :D.