The really really really late T9k'ers hangout thread. (or really early!)

your body requires at least 8hrs of sleep.
Not even...

Not... Even...

I'm pretty sure most of us would be dead if that were a requirement set in stone. God knows I would.

I get 2-4 per night.

It really isn't that bad, just occasionally have those crash days where you sleep 8-10 hours and you're set.
Not even...

Not... Even...

I'm pretty sure most of us would be dead if that were a requirement set in stone. God knows I would.

I get 2-4 per night.

It really isn't that bad, just occasionally have those crash days where you sleep 8-10 hours and you're set.
Only 10 hours? Filthy peasant, go 14 hours or go home.

I don't have a healthy sleeping schedule.
Not even...

Not... Even...

I'm pretty sure most of us would be dead if that were a requirement set in stone. God knows I would.

I get 2-4 per night.

It really isn't that bad, just occasionally have those crash days where you sleep 8-10 hours and you're set.

ok let me rephrase that,
any human individual needs at least 8hrs of sleep to be considered healthy.
(this is a fact from one of my dads textbooks from medical school)

EDIT: those crash days are the cause of not getting your 8hrs of sleep, btw.
That just screams to me Moondoggy is actually a cybernetic computer system that is growing self-aware.

Moondoggy is Skynet.

your body requires at least 8hrs of sleep.
I will politely suggest you take your dad's horribly outdated books and shove them up your ass until you can taste the ink bleeding from the pages. I regularly see a sleep specialist to ensure that my sleeping patterns are not having any ill effects on my body. In six years of having this amount of sleep, I am less depressed, have more energy, and have a healthier metabolism than when I was getting 8 hours or more. Several dozen studies are underway regarding this phenomena and more up-to-date literature will state that humans are not intended to get more than a few hours per night, and are in fact designed to have a 2-3 hour nap beginning around 1300, and only sleep at the absolute most 6 hours per night. When I say my body is adjusted to getting 5 hours per night, it was actually adjusting to more accurately reflect the human circadian rhythm. Now go back into your corner.
Theoretically we run on 25 hour days and our current 24 hour system is off. Most people need 6-8 hours when fully grown. Children need more. Some people are a part of a rare phenomenon that can actually have positive effects from sleeping less than 6 hours. One of my teachers actually sleeps about 4 hours a night. He cannot sleep more he automatically wakes up after 4 hours. He has no negative side effects that anyone can really notice tbh. This is just what I learned in my AP Psychology class.
Theoretically we run on 25 hour days and our current 24 hour system is off. Most people need 6-8 hours when fully grown. Children need more. Some people are a part of a rare phenomenon that can actually have positive effects from sleeping less than 6 hours. One of my teachers actually sleeps about 4 hours a night. He cannot sleep more he automatically wakes up after 4 hours. He has no negative side effects that anyone can really notice tbh. This is just what I learned in my AP Psychology class.
4 is pushing it for me, I can do a couple nights like that but then it starts to catch up. I'll usually wake up automatically after five, six hours if I worked particularly hard that day or it was a Saturday (blitz day at the gym).

If you're twelve.

PS: I personally despise the T9K twelve joke thing. It's dumb. But Fox_news is dumber
Vorsprung I am tired of your shit, so if you could be so kind and go back to your no life TF2 world, it would be very much appreciated.
Just goes to show that when it's late people become more hostile while discussing how their sleep is totally messed up to stay up late :P.

I mean my sleep has been off ever since starting 3rd shift work, I sleep 4 hours then I'm awake through the day and then sleep 4 hours again before work. Atleast it was broken like that for quite awhile, lately I've been staying up til around 11am in the morning and getting a full sleep before work.

But yea that's the only reason why I even care to stay up this late, if I could sleep otherwise I would...
"They" being doctors etc... say that you should sleep for 8 hours a day, but as you get older the number of hours you need to sleep actually become less. Regardless though there are exceptions to the rule. I give you Thai Ngoc the man who never sleeps and is perfectly fine.
EDIT: those crash days are the cause of not getting your 8hrs of sleep, btw.

Really? I thought they were because a Unicorn occasionally poops on my roof, spreading sleeping particles across my house causing me to sleep late.

I've been missled.