Type with your feet

fuckidddddddik;df thidede is mujch haeder en I thougnt ti wojulcdf be

(Translation: "Fuck, this is much harder than I thought it would be")
Typed with feet
hio gtuiys rthiw s is xcsaziim, ami914

Typed with hands
Hi guys this is csimiami14
I recommend washing your feet before you do this, and your keybord afterwards. This is slightly easier than I would assume, as I am locking my longest toe beneath my big toe, ad glaring at the keys. Howevrr, if I am not careful, my feet will cramp up. A painstakingly long hunt and peck adventure. Whee.

The tendon in my left foot is twitching. No me gusta.
I recommend washing your feet before you do this, and your keyboard afterwards. This is slightly easier than I would assume, as I am locking my longest toe beneath my big toe, ad glaring at the keys. However, if I am not careful, my feet will cramp up. A painstakingly long hunt and peck adventure. Whee.

My tendon in my left foot is twitching. No me gusta.
And here I was using my big ttoe like a moron