Video Game Soundtracks/Music.

Bumping with some epic Persona related music.

The Genesis
One of the final boss themes form Persona 4. Probably one of my favorites from Shoji Meguro.

Dream of Butterfly
The opening theme for the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona remake/port for PSP, it's amazing.

Let The Butterflies Spread Until The Dawn
Some pretty chill overworld music for SMT: Persona, pretty snazzy.

Unbreakable Tie
The opening for the Persona 2: Innocent Sin remake. It's the full version, and it's 10000 time more awesome.

I hope you enjoy it!
Holy. Shit. Black Ops II has some amazing soundtracks.


P.S. Hell yes this was worth the thread revival.
Ah, I just re-stumbled across the first game I ever played. Ever.
Played the hell out of this before even touching a Mario game. So many memories from this music. :)

Just looked through the entire thread again and I must say, how the hay has nobody posted these masterpieces?
I mean sure, you all have some tracks from DKC posted, but I feel DKC2 had better music :)

Stickerbrush Symphony:

Mining Melancholy:

Flight of the Zinger:

Hot Head Bop:

Forest Interlude:
Just looked through the entire thread again and I must say, how the hay has nobody posted these masterpieces?
I mean sure, you all have some tracks from DKC posted, but I feel DKC2 had better music :)

Stickerbrush Symphony:

Mining Melancholy:

Hot Head Bop:
I did buy this game but I never played it
The Kirby series is so cool, you'd think most of the music is all happy funlike, and it is. Then you get to the final bosses. This first video is my favorite Kirby Soundtrack, it is the 02 battle from 64.
Miracle Matter
Galacta Knight
All this Metroid makes my spine tingle with adrenaline. I love this series so much...most of the music in these games are so soothing and fast paced. It's perfect!
Metroid Prime Final Battle
Phendrana Drifts
Underwater Crashed Frigate
Meta Ridley Battle
Dark Samus Battle
Skytown, Elysia
Dark Samus Battle
A mixture of Super Metroid songs that are a bit remixed.

I'm gonna stop myself here, I would SO post more...but that'd be a LONG post.
I'm just going to put in a full megamix for each game (if you want song titles, click 'watch on youtube')
Super Meat Boy (My favourite soundtrack from any game. Most of it.)
World of Goo (Also my favourite. I can have two.)

And, finally, a must listen, The Best Video Game Song from 2011 (as voted by the VGA's):