Voltz Server

Apparently today is crash the voltz server day. Why couldn't y'all do this when I have access to decent internet?
Does said peace treaty also apply to Team Walrus, or do I have to keep building up my defenses?

EDIT: you misspelled treaty.
By word of our king, Foxzm, we offer our peace to all. But if the king is threatend or killed in any way by an outsider. (escluding a small list of people) Count it as an act of war, we will rebound and defeat. But peace is always wanted! By order of the high counsel, so it was said, so it is done.
By word of our king, Foxzm, we offer our peace to all. But if the king is threatend or killed in any way by an outsider. (escluding a small list of people) Count it as an act of war, we will rebound and defeat. But peace is always wanted! By order of the high counsel, so it was said, so it is done.
Didn't you kill Foxzm tons of times?
By word of our king, Foxzm, we offer our peace to all. But if the king is threatend or killed in any way by an outsider. (escluding a small list of people) Count it as an act of war, we will rebound and defeat. But peace is always wanted! By order of the high counsel, so it was said, so it is done.
I call bullshit. Earlier I had to stop you from mining in tshin/csi/etc.'s mine. "They don't need the ores" is what you said, I believe. So please, just quit acting like a 12 year old.

Also, cut it out with the in-game caps lock. That shit is getting annoying.
I call bullshit. Earlier I had to stop you from mining in tshin/csi/etc.'s mine. "They don't need the ores" is what you said, I believe. So please, just quit acting like a 12 year old.

Also, cut it out with the in-game caps lock. That shit is getting annoying.
I wanted to mine near their base, because their mines are filled with ores. And I said they havn't 'claimed' the mines.
Major announcement:
I'm not the only staff member, and in fact have not been for some time now. The other two people have requested anonymity so as to increase their abilities to patrol the server, and to continue to enjoy playing the game. In fact, they won't be banning anyone, and each doesn't know who the other is. All reports come directly to me to deal with.

To provide a bit of a calming logic to the immediate thought that I don't trust y'all (don't get confused, I continue to not trust anyone. Let's be honest here, the most trustworthy and upstanding people in this community are also the most likely to rationalize their aggressive/cheating behaviour *coughjerzeycoughcough*), here's my actual reasons for appointing a couple helping hands:
1. I can't actually log onto the server as a player because I'm stuck with a laptop that can't handle the game and an internet connection that convinces YouTube to offer me 144p versions of the videos. This is the case for 10 days out of every 14.
2. The days I'm home with my gaming rig are often busy as all fuck because I'm dealing with IRL stuff that I can't the other days...because a distance of 500km makes it difficult to go for a face-to-face meeting, a family dinner, or a drink with my buddies.
3. I'm pretty much known as the server OP. As much as I like y'all, if one of you is cheating, how likely is it you're going to do it while the only person capable of teleporting to you is online? Neither will you straight up tell me about it. We've already had one case show up exactly like this. Oh well.
4. I've made the decision that I'll be "graylisting" the server by the end of June. What this means is that it will be open to players NOT of Team9000 - and as such there will be a lot of people I trust even less joining the server, increasing the need for people to moderate. The two members (with the possible addition of a third soon) are undergoing a trial period; where I find out if they're trustworthy, dedicated, and capable in a low-stress environment where they don't feel the need to treat it like a job. This will let me feel more comfortable when I'm required by circumstance to actually give them a bit of power.
5. Related to the above note, as far as I can tell, there are only about 10 well-run Voltz servers out there at best. This only increases the need for reliable staff - I don't want people caving under the stress, including myself.

I'd like to stress that I am in no way trying to spy on y'all. The request to remain anonymous came from them, and I agreed simply because I want them to continue to enjoy the game.

So yeah. Continue to not be stupid, and we'll continue to not do anything about it.

EDIT: While I was writing this, y'all managed to add more to this silly war. I love you all. So much.
When are the pending applications *cough* mine :3 *cough* expected to be reviewed, Gurw? I don't want to seem super sure of getting in or rushed or anything. Just am a bit antsy, been pretty excited to have the possibility to join a legit server since I started playing Voltz.