Voltz Server

I appreciate your honesty. I'll decide your fate while I'm at work. I don't have time for this right now :/
The burdens of running a server...

How much experience you have with the modpack:
Played tekkit a bunch before the FTB craze, though admittedly from what little I've experienced messing around on voltz with a mate it is nothing like those other modpacks.

What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in:
Not sure yet, I'll have to get into the wiki and check out what mods are even in the pack.

If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled:
Err.. griefing? That was always a big pain for me on other modpacks since it usually takes a crapload of time to get stuff operating.

If PvP is a thing you like:
Kinda over pvp, especially in these modpacks if it involves raiding/griefing.

Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server:
Perhaps the one konflakes mentioned.. otherwise not really.

Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see:
Not in particular, but if you need any plugins made I might be able to lend a hand. I've had considerable experience writing bukkit plugins and you can check a few of them out on my github page. Eg. a plugin to deny pvp west of x=-50000 would be pretty simple.

My IGN: t7seven7t
Alright, thanks. Sorry about the bad timing by the way.
Is 2am ever good timing? :p I've decided a ban is not in order, but restitution payment will be. I'll decide what and how much tonight, once I have a chance to get on mumble, and survey the damage myself.
If it was in the last couple days, I haven't gotten to it. Most likely in about 10 hours or so. I could do it from my phone, but it's a pain in the rear.
I hereby declare war on all cats. You will PAY for your transgressions against the natural order as deigned by the almighty ME.

No, that doesn't mean you can use nukes on luke.
OH FUCK NO. :eek:

NINJA EDIT: So I uninstalled EVERYTHING involving video games on my pc.... I am getting a new one. and this one sucks. So gg voltz. you mother fucker. :thumbsdown:
Question about the graylisting-would current people on the server be able to claim land? I don't trust random people to have access to all my stuff.
Yes. But I would hide your storage crates, and really anything not in vanilla. There aren't many mods out there that will protect modded in items and blocks
So basically if I were to encase everything non-vanilla in vanilla blocks, I'd be OK?
Such as placing (vanilla) doors in front of storage rooms or covering all visible wiring?