Voltz Server

Halfway to lemons house and this happens, the fuck?
View attachment 138478
Looks like your texture pack is broked?
Hey Gurw, if you have the chance, you need to set flying to enable, as it kicks people with jetboots or jetpacks.
With the next batch of whitelisting.
I wanna try out my bunker, I got the explosives! :(

Do you need any help to disable the red matter?
No, for the moment I don't feel explosives are a good thing. I'm trying to see how much is too much, currently working my way up the chain. I might disable all Tier 3+ explosives.
Advanced Battery Boxes are broken, you can't build them.
Known bug, waiting on the next update. It's actually been a bug for a while.
Also, putting a speed upgrade in the theoretical elementizer crashes your game
I need a crash report from you, as I can't reproduce this. If you'd like to report it yourself, here is the most likely place (bug report thread for a similar problem).
Looks like your texture pack is broked?

With the next batch of whitelisting.

No, for the moment I don't feel explosives are a good thing. I'm trying to see how much is too much, currently working my way up the chain. I might disable all Tier 3+ explosives.

Known bug, waiting on the next update. It's actually been a bug for a while.

I need a crash report from you, as I can't reproduce this. If you'd like to report it yourself, here is the most likely place (bug report thread for a similar problem).

Anything going to be done about being kicked for flying while using JetBoots?
How much experience you have with the modpack
What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in
all of em, havn't tried most of the mods in it.
If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled)
dont know the pack well enough to want anything disabled.
If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles)
is?. i dont pvp, but who knows.
Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server
no idea again.
Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see
no idea.
Your IGN
Alright. Here we go.

Server updated. Follow the tutorial in the OP on how to get the latest build of Voltz.

BlastCraft is no longer compatible with Voltz, any BlastCraft items or blocks you had no longer exist.

For some reason, many of the authors decided to mess with the item and block ids. So basically a lot of your blocks and items no longer exist. Solar panels and discs for the robot arms are two things I know of for sure. In other cases, the blocks and items may have become something else.

No, you will not be re-imbursed for your losses. I don't have the time nor the patience for that.

ICBM is now enabled. With this, I have decided the best way to deal with war is via agreed-upon terms beforehand. Should you wish to go to war with someone, you will start a conversation here with me and the other player(s). Terms will be set, and written in a book in-game, signed by me. Three copies will be made, one for each party, and one for the Hall of Records, in my bunker. Should you choose to breach the Rules of Engagement, you will be banned.

rai, drangonboy, jishent, and tbar added to the whitelist.

Flying enabled, your powersuits will work.

Antimatter, rejuvenation, and red matter explosives have been declared Over-Powered and as such will be disabled on the next server reboot. Until this time, anyone using them will be banned.