Voltz Server

How much experience you have with the modpack: None at all! :D i just never bothered because i didn't really have aserver. and if we got one then why the hell not?
What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in uhhh the tekkit ones? I played tekkit classic back in the day and it's like. fun. and i am pro at it (LIES :3)
If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled)uhhhh not tekkit parts?
If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles) well as i do enjoy some good arena style pvp, i don;t enjoy getting blown up with... stuff. Wait! There are missiles! :O gotta bomb the creepers all of the days. :3
Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server nothing! :D
Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see maaaybe money. orrr shops. i don't know what plugins there are. i am not a server owner.
Your IGN Lukeperson6
Thank you for reading :D
How much experience you have with the modpack: Very little. However, I've been reading about the mod on the Voltz wiki and I am intrigued.

What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in: War. Nuclear Missiles. Sonic Explosives. Chemical Weapons. I want to become the Kim Jong Un of Minecraft.

If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled): No. The only questionable items (highest tier explosives) are banned already.

If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles): I was the Minister of Arms in the Cydonian Empire and am a Minesworn veteran. Yes, I like PvP.

Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server: I'm not quite sure if it is compatible, but Mo' Creatures is a pretty neat mod. Also, if it updates and is compatible, BicBiomeCraft.

Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see:N/A

Your IGN: TheXraptor

Thank you for your consideration.
Quick update: Unfortunately my VDS isn't able to run the server, so until the construction is complete, the server will be down. Thank you for your patience.
I will apply for this as soon as I can get more acquainted with the modpack. Thing is though, I've been spending most of my time with the ICBM mod in Creative. :3
Sooo, my server is back up and running, unfortunately now the Voltz gameserver is spewing errors and refusing to boot. If anyone is familiar with reading stacktraces, feel free to have a go:


I would do it myself, but I'm about to get on the road to go back to work, and I've already spent half an hour sorting through it. Hopefully when I get to site I'll be able to deal with it.
Corrupt modflags.dat. I don't run voltz, so I don't know if it is stateful. Try deleting it, redownloading it, restoring it from a backup, or disabling universalelectricity.
Well, the last one is out since UE is the API that lets Voltz work. But I'll give the others a shot as soon as my laptop boots. Thanks woot!
It will be running 1.1.4 (the latest DEV version I could get my hands on that wasn't so broken it wouldn't even open the console).

I have seen your app. As soon as everything is not broken, I'll whitelist new people.

I don't know. I hope not. I spent a lot of time on that massive radar array. I should know tomorrow night.
Don't mention it.

I'd probably have it done by now, but to be honest it's really hard to go from 250mbps to 250kbps (if my camp internet even goes that fast, I'm too scared to check). It's extremely depressing knowing it's actually faster for me to remote-access my home computer to check out websites than it is to load them directly on my laptop.

Wut even.
ok so someone that's a complete newb to this is slightly interested... can you let me know what all I have to do for it? Thanks!
ok so someone that's a complete newb to this is slightly interested... can you let me know what all I have to do for it? Thanks!
I suggest while you're waiting, head over to the technic website and download the launcher. Select Voltz from the list on the left once you open the launcher, and follow the instruction in the first post here for using the dev version. Give your game some extra RAM if you can, it helps, trust me. Play single player with creative so you get an idea of what things do what, and what things you're going to want to work towards in survival. And when you figure out what you want, try to get the recipes figured out so you know how hard it's going to be to get each endgame item and whether it's going to be worth it.
I suggest while you're waiting, head over to the technic website and download the launcher. Select Voltz from the list on the left once you open the launcher, and follow the instruction in the first post here for using the dev version. Give your game some extra RAM if you can, it helps, trust me. Play single player with creative so you get an idea of what things do what, and what things you're going to want to work towards in survival. And when you figure out what you want, try to get the recipes figured out so you know how hard it's going to be to get each endgame item and whether it's going to be worth it.

Ok I'll try to get that going maybe later today if my computer works with me... right now it's really being a big pain in the arse.
I suggest while you're waiting, head over to the technic website and download the launcher. Select Voltz from the list on the left once you open the launcher, and follow the instruction in the first post here for using the dev version. Give your game some extra RAM if you can, it helps, trust me. Play single player with creative so you get an idea of what things do what, and what things you're going to want to work towards in survival. And when you figure out what you want, try to get the recipes figured out so you know how hard it's going to be to get each endgame item and whether it's going to be worth it.

Wait, is everything still broken?