What are you currently reading?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently reading:


It's an Australian book written in 1889 and is quite facinating and engaging.
I'm currently reading "The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly. It's about a boy in England during WWII who feels left behind in his family after the death of his mother and attempts to find solace in books, mostly fairy tales. He somehow stumbles into another world one night during a Nazi bombing and attempts to find his way home. It's an interesting story because the author takes well-known fairy tales and turns them on their heads and incorporates them into the story and world the boy finds himself. My personal favorite part thus far are the Communist Seven Dwarves.

The Unlikely Disciple. It's required reading for one of my courses. It's pretty entertaining, actually.

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Well, I just got through Sweet Apple Massacre, and am now working on

It's quite coolio.
I was reading

which is the first full fanfic I have ever read.
Tried Fallout:Equestria but I realized

As soon as I saw the 40 chapters :P (It's good tho, don't get me wrong, perhaps I shall find time for it later on)
As soon as I saw the 40 chapters :P (It's good tho, don't get me wrong, perhaps I shall find time for it later on)
Its up to 42... I'm getting impatient waiting for 43 to be released :D
But I know what you mean, the damned thing is longer than a lot of published books I've seen