What would happen if....

Then Facebook would be a ghost town.

What would happen if Shao Khan's army from Outworld invaded Earth right now?
Then Facebook would be a ghost town.

What would happen if Shao Khan's army from Outworld invaded Earth right now?
Then I would probably find out who Shao Khan is rather quickly.

What would happen if Marmaduke went on a genocidal rampage in Brazil?
Then Brazil would be Marmadone.

What would happen if the US government was actually efficient?
Then we would've kicked Obama out of office by now. (Ohhhhh, I just made this political)

What would happen if underground sewage systems had not been invented?
Then Thor would also be real, along with all the rest of the Avengers.

What would happen if you woke up, and realised this was all a dream.
*agh you beat me to it
Then I would go back to sleep

what would happen if there was a third world war
*edit I realized what you said lol.
Then the world would be in chaos

What if the world was turned inside-out
then doctor who would not come to earth in the future
(assuming it is a huge asteroid that kills all earth)

What would happen if the daleks ruled earth
I can assure you we wouldn't be having this conversation then.

What would happen if they made a Booster Gold movie?
(Besides me shitting my pants in joy)
Then it would make robberies and transportation a lot quicker.

What would happen if we could time travel?