Why hello there...

Your innocence is forfeit once you post here, sugar.
I think I forfeit my innocence the first time I googled with safesearch off.
Nothing like whatever that was, but I admit some stuff will. As long as people don't post pictures of dead cats or anything like that, I'm cool.
That won't bother me either. Photoshop and stuff like that won't but the real stuff you tend to find in the deep dark depths of the internets will.
You're defiantly going to fit in here quiiiite nicely.

Nice to meet you,

Welcome. The realm of derailment and phalluses awaits your participation.
I'm also master of the former in this statement, I often derail threads by accident.
Also because I spent my first 2 serious years on the internet around the Bungie.net Off-Topic Forum.

Anyway, enough about me. More about you.
Thank you for the welcome. Pix was right (she's always right), I would be welcomed here.

And can I have glittery shackles? Is this an option? Does casham do custom restraints for new members?
Thank you for the welcome. Pix was right (she's always right), I would be welcomed here.

And can I have glittery shackles? Is this an option? Does casham do custom restraints for new members?
There are special tickets you can find in casham's armpits that you can redeem for customizations.
Ohaithar and welcome to Team9000.:D Ya might wanna lose any shreds of yer sanity and inoccence ya have left, because within seconds of first logging in you will lose it. trust meh. :rofl:
lost the last of mine the first time Vorsprung commented on me. This is a close community. you are Welcrem hurr :D